
The documentary film dedicated to Saban Bajramović - "My Journey" has been officially selected for the Film Awards at the "Prism" Film Festival in Rome, Italy.

The first shooting for the film began in 2008. A lot of material was shot, but the director Zeljko Mirkovic made the film the way they imagined it

"He earned millions and spent everything. He did not seek fame, but became a legend, a king and an emperor. He was guided by love and freedom throughout his life. He sang about life as it was given to him...", with these words the director Zeljko Mirkovic introduced his new documentary "My Journey".

Its realization will bring viewers closer to the life and creativity of the inimitable musician Shaban Bajramović from a special angle.

The film is produced by "Optimist Film" and lasts 80 minutes, and Mirkovic, whose works have won as many as 58 international awards, reveals that he worked on this documentary for more than 10 years.

"Saban Bajramović is the Odysseus of freedom. Like the ancient hero Odysseus, he spent his life on the journey to his home after the war. The ancient Odysseus traveled the sea with his friends and soldiers from challenge to challenge, driven by his love for his family and freedom , and gifted with wisdom and courage as the main weapon happened to become a sacred musical legend and a symbol of true freedom and love," says Mirkovic. "I was impressed by his passion for freedom and life. For this reason, his songs are filled with love. Through his compositions, Saban paints his life. They are always inspired by life. His life and the life of his loved ones," says Mirkovic.

Roma music brought a spectacle to the last night of the World Music Fest in Zeman

Roma music closed this year's edition of World Music Fest Zeman in Novi Pazar in a spectacular way on August 4. On Žitni trg, starting at 21:00, the Balkan Zoo and Nina Korić brought a combination of traditional Roma melodies with modern sounds such as jazz, hip-hop and electronic flamenco. Their performance raised the atmosphere to the highest level and provided the audience with an unforgettable experience.

Balkan Zoo and Nina Koric are known for blurring the boundaries between cultures and genres, creating music that inspires and unites. Their performance was the highlight of the festival, which already delighted the visitors with the performances of Damir Imamović, as well as with the winning performance of Hana Talić at the Glas Zeman competition night. The audience had the opportunity to enjoy Spanish melos performed by the Spanish artist Laura Marin.


Saban Bajramovic in New Orleans alongside Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles and James Brown

"From the poor man to the king of Roma music" is the name of the exhibition about the music of Šaban Bajramović, which will last half a year at the New Orleans Jazz Museum. In the New Orleans Jazz Museum, an exhibition about the music of Šaban Bajramović entitled "From the poor man to the king of Romani music" is underway. It will last six months with the possibility of extension, and it is the first performance by a musician from Serbia in that institution.

The initiator of the exhibition is the Nashville International Jazz Festival.

The display includes Bajramović's personal items, records, cassettes, CD albums, posters, books and magazines, as well as his statuette, which Nishville awards as a grand prix to the best performers for the fusion of jazz with other genres.

Visitors will be able to listen to his songs via QR codes on their phones, and they will also be able to see the trailer of the film about Šaban directed by Željko Mirković, which will premiere on July 14 at the Summer Stage in Tvrđava, the day before the start of this year's Nišvil.

He died on June 8, 2008, and his funeral in Nis was attended by the then President of Serbia, Boris Tadić. Official biographical data says that he wrote and composed more than 700 songs, and recorded 20 albums and around 50 singles.

His performance of the song "Đelem, Đelem" was chosen as the anthem of all the Roma in the world.

At the personal invitation of Indira Gandhi, he performed in India, where he was officially declared the King of Roma music

"Time" magazine named him one of the ten greatest blues singers in the world.

In the Museum in New Orleans, Saban Bajramović will be next to his idols Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles and James Brown.


Tea sang at Romani weddings for €1,600, now she takes €20,000!

Singer Giovanni Bajramovic is one of the most sought after and paid in the diaspora, and although he doesn't brag too much about how much he earns, the number will really make your head spin! He previously spoke to the media about his life and how he started singing and scheduling million-dollar weddings, and now he also spoke about his colleagues from the variety show, Tea Tairović, Svetlana Ceci Ražnatović and Atsa Lukas, how much they earn.

Here, Tea Tairovic once sang for 1,600 euros, now she sings for 20,000 euros! With me, she sang for that first money. We were the first to invite her to do Romani festivities with us. She responded as she should, and I called her mother. Aca Lucas and Ceca also take big bucks at the festivities. Everything is arranged in advance, so you come to a hotel and so on. Five-star hotels, you already know everything else. They are among the first in the diaspora and here.



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