Šutka NEWS

December 13 - 32 years of TV BTR National

On December 13, 1992, the signal of BTR-National was broadcast for the first time in the media airwaves in the Republic of Macedonia. First as a radio, and then as a television with its own 24-hour program.

In fact, it was the first Roma media outlet in the world with its own all-day program. Years later, this medium grew into a recognizable TV house with its own program of every caliber - informative, cultural, entertainment, musical and educational.

During that period, TV BTR-National established itself among the leading media outlets in the country, and in terms of its viewership, which despite being Roma, was watched by all nationalities.

A decade later, TV BTR-National went one level higher and was the first Roma media outlet on satellite with its own program

For all these years, TV BTR-National was the author of many program packages and thousands of hours of TV, documentary and film programs of all profiles.

Even today, TV BTR has left an indelible mark on the audience, who still remember that period with nostalgia.

Otherwise, in the new period, TV BTR – Through its Super Production BTR – SP BTR, continued with production activities and filming of documentaries. In recent years, it has been current with its new documentary products translated onto film, these are “Local Heroes – World Talents”, “Life at the Crossroads”, as well as about the history, origin, language and culture of the Roma “Heaven, Wheel, Earth”.

The most deserving of that success, over 500 employees who paraded through that television, is its founder and owner Zoran Dimov, who, by pure coincidence, is also his birthday on December 13th. May both birthdays be happy!

Here’s What Baba Vanga and Nostradamus Predicted for 2025 – Time Will Tell How Accurate They Were

The prophecies of the legendary Nostradamus and Baba Vanga overlap in 2025 – both announced a terrible event that would turn the entire world upside down.

Blind Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga, who has earned the reputation of a “local Nostradamus” thanks to her prophecies, has made terrifying predictions about what awaits us in 2025, while also warning that these events could trigger a global apocalypse.

Among other things, she said that continental Europe will be the scene of serious troubles that will affect everyone. Vanga says that at some point in 2025, a new war will break out between the two countries, and the consequences will reverberate throughout the world – and along the way, “destroy” Europe and the people who live there. You may not believe in such things, but it’s not easy to remain indifferent when you know that the real Nostradamus, centuries earlier, predicted much the same thing for 2025.

He warned that “those of the European countries” would be drawn into “brutal wars” at some point next year, adding that the UK would be involved, writes the Led Bible. However, that’s not the worst of it – Nostradamus also mentioned that “an ancient plague will be worse than the enemy”. Other predictions by Baba Vanga for next year include the beginning of the end of the world and telepathy, while some of Nostradamus’ verses have been interpreted as announcing the resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and volcanic activity in Brazil.

Link: https://www.vecer.press/i-nostradamus-i-baba-vangja-ja-predvidele/




The citizens of Š.Orizari on Friday at a protest at the mayor of the city of Skopje, Danela Arsovska. They will require regular public transport

The mayor of the municipality of Šuto Orizari, Kurto Dudush, announced a protest in front of the building of the City of Skopje from 1:30 p.m. on Friday (November 22). The reason for the protest is the worsening situation with public transportation, which causes huge problems for the citizens.

- We face the same problem every day - people wait for hours at bus stations. We cannot allow our children, women and old people to suffer in these minus temperatures, after two to three hours waiting for a bus, which may or may not come - said Dudush in a video address on his Facebook profile.

He added that the protest will be peaceful and called on all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, to join, because the problem with public transportation affects the entire city.

– This is not just Shuto Orizari's problem. This is a problem that affects all citizens of Skopje - emphasized Dudush.

The mayor expressed hope that the protest will encourage a reaction from the competent institutions and that measures will be taken to improve public transportation in the capital.

Residents of Shuto Orizari face huge challenges due to the lack of public transport, especially in recent cold weeks. The inability to get to work, school or the doctor on time forces citizens to look for alternative solutions, such as sharing the cost of taxis, which significantly burdens their budget.

He threw a kashikara bomb in front of the PCER office in Tetovo, and returned to see why it didn't explode

Early this morning, in front of the Club of the Party for the Complete Emancipation of the Roma, which is located in a cafe in Tetovo, a hand bomb was thrown, which fortunately did not explode. The perpetrator first broke one glass of the door and left the bomb there. But since it didn't explode, he went back to check if the bomb had been detonated. After he failed to activate it, he left. All this was recorded on the security cameras of the surrounding buildings.

The president of PCER Samka Ibraimovski does not know why someone wanted to demolish their club and for now he does not see a political background in this act.

"At 4:23 a.m. the person came here, broke the glass, threw the bomb, it didn't explode, so he had the courage to go back to see if the bomb was activated or not." Luckily it wasn't activated, if it had been it would have done a lot of damage. Our member from the party who came to the club this morning started sweeping the broken glass without noticing the bomb, so he could unwittingly detonate it. It is an older type kashikara bomb that has a great destructive effect. We, as a political party, have no objections nor have we complained to anyone except for some misunderstandings with the executors. "Whether that is the reason or something else, I hope we will find out soon," said Ibraimovski.

At the scene, police officers from SVR Tetovo conducted an investigation, and the anti-terrorism team safely removed the unexploded hand grenade.

Link: https://press24.mk/frlena-bomba-vo-shtabot-na-samka-ibraimovski


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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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