
Marija Sherifovic spent a fortune to become a surrogate mother. Here is how much the Serbian star paid for the birth of her son

The news that one of the most famous Serbian singers, Marija Šerifović, became a mother hit the public like a bombshell. She received her son Mario on December 2 through a surrogate mother in the United States, and this is how much money Maria had to allocate for the whole process.

In an American agency for surrogacy, they state that the average price ranges from 130,000 to 160,000 dollars, writes Blitz.

"International surrogacy can cost as little as $50,000 in Eastern Europe or South America, but finding a reliable agency requires some research and guidance and costs much more in the United States," the American agency explains.

Average costs include: clinical fees, surrogate compensation, legal fees and agency fees. Expectant parents should also set aside a portion of the budget to compensate egg donors and fertility drugs, as well as travel expenses (which are not included in these estimates), the agency added.

Can pop culture help the Roma?

Vincent Rodriguez Fernandez is a Roma activist, screenwriter and cartoonist who believes that a large number of Roma references in American pop culture is one of the good directions for young people to take an interest in topics such as Roma history. Vincent has been lobbying for years to improve the Roma identity and be visible, including comic book heroes in Hollywood adaptations. And really imagine in the most influential global machinery such as the Marvel Film Universe, at one point he appears as a superhero who speaks to the Gypsies and for whom the whole world knows he is a Roma, just as it is known that Black Panther is from Africa Whether poverty will be reduced in this way, Roma will be employed in the institutions, I can't say, but it will have an impact on that, says Vincent.



"In memory of Esma..." In MCC cinema "Frosina" in front of a packed hall, an evening of emotions, songs and positive vibes

"Esma was our ambassador, but not accredited by the state institutions and with a specific mandate, but accredited by the people with a heart and with a timeless mandate", said the host Ramush Muarem-Cirko last night at the Frosina cinema in Skopje, at the opening of the event "In memory of It's unforgettable."

The concert organized by the humanitarian organization "Queen Esma and Stevo Teodosievski" and the production "BTR" was on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the queen of the Roma and Macedonian folk song, one of our greatest world cultural ambassadors.

One of the singers at the concert, Hariya Bislim, is only 13 years old, the same age that Esma started singing, hiding from her parents that she was going to the contest "The microphone is yours", which she later won. With her clean vocals and rich interpretation, young Harija reminds of Esma, but there is no copy or replacement for her, as the host of the event said. The grandfather of the youngest singer, Ramadan Bislim-Ramko, a famous singer of Romani music, also performed, and he sang the song that Esma sang with joy, "Svadba Macedonian", and he moved the audience, but also played.

"For our mother, there is no substitute, no copy, she is one and only. She deserved much more than this," said most of the singers before their performances.

The folk singer Susana Gavazova also performed, who said that Esma was her idol, and near the end of the concert, Aneta Ljumakovska sang one of Esma's most important songs in Macedonian, "Cekaj živote". Accompanied by the "Titanic" orchestra, the popular artists Ervin Ametovski and Bernat Demirali performed with part of Esma's repertoire.

A six-minute documentary showed a small part of Esma's rich life. In her poem "The Queen of Madzir Maalo", Redzepova beautifully described the journalist Valentina Pargo.

At the end of the concert, the organizer Zoran Dimov, before calling all the singers together and singing "Chajorie shukarie", said in his welcome speech: "She was a woman with a big heart. It allowed me to place the television in the premises of her home. He always told me "don't worry, it will be fine, you will succeed, I am here to help you". We organized many humanitarian events together, for the poor and sick. He said that the rich should give to the poor. I considered her a second mother - says Dimkov. Together with all the participants, during the whole concert, members of the ensemble "Folklor Studio Skopje" participated, dressed in the style of Esma.

The impressions of all present were unanimous, that it was very nice, and that Esma deserves such events traditionally every year and in a bigger space.

The event was supported by the Ministry of Culture, as well as the City of Skopje. PACOMAK also had its contribution in helping, and the whole event was recorded by Telma Television. The photos are the work of photojournalist Mitko Janev

On November 22, at MKC Cinema "Frosina" in Skopje, the extraordinary stage musical event "In memory of Esma for an unforgettable"

SP BTR Produktion together with the Humanitarian Association "Queen Esma and Stevo Teodosievski" in Wednesday on November 22 at MCC, cinema "Frosina" in Skopje, starting at 7 p.m., will organize a truly unique stage music event "In memory of Esma for an unforgettable experience".

In a way, that event is also the year of commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Queen of Romani music and also a humanitarian with a big heart – Queen Esma Redzepova Teodosievska.

At the event, 11 musical tracks from the great musical opus of Esma Redzepova Teodosievska will be performed by well-known musical names from the Macedonian and Roma music scene. Part of Esma's songs will be performed by Susana Gavazova, Aneta Ljumakovska, ex-vocalist from the group "Molika", Ramadan Bislim Ramko, Hajria Bislim, Bernat Demirali and Ervin Ametovski. At the event itself, a short documentary on Esma will be shown, produced by SP BTR and a poem dedicated to Esma will be read by journalist Valentina Pargo.

This event was supported by the Ministry of Culture as well as the city of Skopje.

A certain number of friends and admirers of Esma's work, as well as representatives from the state and the city of Skopje and the diplomatic corps, have been invited to the event.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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