Tea sang at Romani weddings for €1,600, now she takes €20,000!

Singer Giovanni Bajramovic is one of the most sought after and paid in the diaspora, and although he doesn't brag too much about how much he earns, the number will really make your head spin! He previously spoke to the media about his life and how he started singing and scheduling million-dollar weddings, and now he also spoke about his colleagues from the variety show, Tea Tairović, Svetlana Ceci Ražnatović and Atsa Lukas, how much they earn.

Here, Tea Tairovic once sang for 1,600 euros, now she sings for 20,000 euros! With me, she sang for that first money. We were the first to invite her to do Romani festivities with us. She responded as she should, and I called her mother. Aca Lucas and Ceca also take big bucks at the festivities. Everything is arranged in advance, so you come to a hotel and so on. Five-star hotels, you already know everything else. They are among the first in the diaspora and here.

Link: https://www.republika.rs/zabava/estrada/554833/djovani-bajramovic-estrada-lukas-ceca-tea


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