
The king of Romani music, Ferus Mustafov, died, the funeral was according to his wishes in Skopje

After a short illness, the king of Roma music, Ferus Mustafov (72), died tonight.

His family members learned the news of his death early this morning.

-"He died last night, we were told the bad news this morning. We are broken with pain, we all hoped that he would get well and come back to us, but unfortunately he left us. Some media mentioned that according to his wishes, the funeral will be in Shtip, where he was born and where he lived with his family in recent years, but according to the latest information, he will be buried in Skopje" - say the family

Ferus had a stroke on April 26 and has been in the "8 September" hospital since then. According to the relatives, they hoped that the situation would improve, but unfortunately, it did not happen.

Ferus Mustafov was a long-time music editor of the first Roma private television station, TV BTR – National, and the creator of many entertaining music projects on TV BTR.

The father of the popular Tea Tairović is the famous Roma academic painter from Novi Sad, Zoran Tairović

The popular singer Tea Tairovic has been in the media lately, she often posts provocative photos and is busy with performances.

Tea Tairović rarely has a place to rest and have fun in Serbia, and on one occasion she shared a picture on her Instagram with her father Zoran Tairović, how they enjoy playing the tambourine and having fun. Thea smilingly posed in her father's arms, and then filmed him having fun and tipping the musicians.

"Daddy and daughter," she wrote, and the comments just kept coming, with everyone saying it's the same dad.

By the way, her father Zoran Tairović is a famous academic painter. He is Roma and lives and works in Novi Sad. He was also involved in composing and directing, and has a doctorate in science, and is also a fighter for the rights of the Roma in Serbia. On one occasion, the media visited the space where Zoran has a studio, and the neighbors said that he was once in a relationship with the actress Vesna Cipcic.



СП БТР објави повик за учество на ромскиот детски фестивал „Čhavorikano Suno 2023“

На почетокот од месец Март 2023 година, СП БТР го објави повикот за учество на традиционалниот Детски Ромски фестивал „ Čhavorikano Suno 2023“ – „Детски Сон 2023„

Тој традиционално веќе по 7-ми пат е во организација на СП БТР, На него учествуваат деца- ученици Роми на возраст од 1 до 9 одделение од основните училишта.

И оваа година како и претходните ги повикуваат композиторите, да испратат направени композиции (во демо верзија) којса потоа организаторскиот тим на СП БТР ќе одвојат десет кои ќе бидат презентирани на овогодишниот фестивал во месец Мај 2023.

Исто СП БТР напоменува дека и сите основни училишта каде мнозинството се Роми можат да направат првична селекција на деца Роми кои ќе покажат интерес за учество на овој фестивал, кој потоа со селекција ќе се одредат и исполнувачите на овие композиции.

Повикот трае до 19 март 2023 год  и своите демо верзии можат да ги пријават на е маилот: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Serbia: The Eurovision song pointed to systemic discrimination against the Roma

Contestants Zejna and Gipsy spoke about the hatred they experience daily because of their nationality, drawing attention to the festering and bleeding wounds of Serbian society that we turn a blind eye to daily.

In fact, the only contestant who won Eurovision and brought Eurovision to Serbia was of Roma origin. It was a moment of great pride for Serbia. The Roma have played a key role in shaping the cultural landscape of our country and it is necessary to recognize their invaluable contribution to the country's artistic heritage.

The fact that Zejna and Gypsy brought this issue to the fore during the Eurovision selection process highlights the power of art to draw attention to social issues."


FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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