The competition for Audition for children performers of songs for "Chavoricano Suno 2022" organized by SP BTR is open

SP BTR Production within the realization of the Children's Festival "Chavoricano Suno 2022" which will be held in September, announces the Competition for performers - performers of children's songs for the festival.

Conditions for the competition are as follows:

- Children aged 7 - 14 years

- To be talented in singing

- It is desirable for them to speak the Romani language

- To have the approval of a parent-guardian.

Anyone interested in applying and applying can apply at SP BTR 0 ul 376 no.108 Skopje or by e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The competition is open until June 30, 2022

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