
15 Years Since the Death of Šaban Bajramović – The Legend of Roma Song

Šaban Bajramović was born on April 16, 1936 in Niš and was one of the most famous Roma singers. He became famous with hits such as Djelem, Djelem, Opa, Cupa, Geljan Dade, Rowena, Waker, White Roses and many others. He was a poet, singer, musician and actor. He left a deep mark on music in the areas of the former Yugoslavia. He released and collaborated on about 20 albums and 50 singles. It is believed that he composed more than 650 songs and compositions. His interpretation of the song Đelem, đelem was accepted as the anthem of the Roma at the World Roma Congress in 1971, and the song was composed by Šaban himself based on the text written by Žarko Jovanović during the Second World War.] He was recognizable by his black sunglasses, which he began to wear in the nineties. In almost all the texts about him, next to his name was written "King of Roma music". He died today, June 8, 2008 in Nis. Šaban Bajramović becomes a real star in the early seventies. He released a record with one of the most famous Romani songs, which was also sung by the Belgian group Vaya con Dios, and it was Djelem, Djelem. In the 1970s, he also recorded the famous Geljan Dada hit, which was later sung in Cursed is America. In the mid-seventies, he founded the Black Mamba group, with which he toured around the world, and he famously visited Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. By the end of the seventies, he released several more singles such as Hanuma, Laži, laži Vera, Rowena and Opa, cupa.


Humanity in action: Marija Šerifović wants to provide a roof over the head of the talented Mustafa Hrustić from Zenica

Marija Šerifović was struck by the story of the street singer Mustafa Hrustić from Zenica, who has been living under the bridge for several days because he could not pay the rent due to his engagements and the money he earned.

In Srećko Stipović's video, Mustafa tells how he will apply to "Zvezde Granda", but "he can't go there with 10 marks".

You need to have money to dress nice, and a bow and be clean. You need to introduce yourself, name, surname, where are you from, how old are you... I would apply if I had the opportunity. And secondly, I don't even have parents, I don't have anyone of my own," says Mustafa in the video shared by Maria.

This man sleeps somewhere in Zenica under a bridge. If someone from Zenica can and wants to find him, please contact me and let him be my contact. For Mustafa to get a home, Maria wrote on her Instagram story

In Memoriam: King Ferus Mustafov – The Maestro of Balkan Folk Music

Today, we grieve the passing of a musical icon, a virtuoso who defied expectations and charmed listeners with his remarkable brilliance and unrivaled variety. King Ferus Mustafov, a true Balkan folk music pioneer, has left an unforgettable imprint on the world of music. His outstanding talents and profound impact will be recognized, acknowledged, and appreciated for the rest of his life.
King Ferus Mustafov was born into a family steeped in the rich fabric of Balkan culture, and he received a musical tradition that would influence his fate. He showed a natural skill and an insatiable enthusiasm for exploring diverse musical genres from a young age. His upbringing in the heart of the Balkans, where various cultural influences collided, allowed him to absorb a wide range of musical genres and traditions.
King Ferus Mustafov was unique in that he was a multi-instrumentalist with astonishing skill on each instrument. His proficiency in the trumpet, clarinet, saxophone, and accordion was just astounding. When he touched them with his fingertips or breathed into them, it appeared as though these instruments were an extension of who he was. His performances served as a tribute to his virtuosity, stunning listeners with his engaging solos, and his unmatched grace in weaving complex melodies.
While King Ferus Mustafov made incalculable contributions to Balkan folk music, his influence stretched well beyond these borders. He bravely experimented with different genres, flawlessly incorporating parts of pop, rock, jazz, classical, and Roma music into his works. He was a true pioneer, pushing the boundaries of what was deemed feasible in traditional music. His blend of styles generated a distinct and enticing sound that captivated audiences worldwide.
King Ferus Mustafov’s music was magical not just for its technical mastery, but also for its capacity to provoke profound emotions and encapsulate the essence of the Balkan spirit. His tunes were filled with joy, jubilation, and melancholy, reflecting the region’s diverse feelings and experiences. He had a remarkable gift for connecting with his audience on a profound level, whether he was performing boisterous folk dances that elicited loud applause or playing hauntingly beautiful ballads that moved hearts to tears.
King Ferus Mustafov worked with great artists from all over the world throughout his remarkable career, bridging linguistic and cultural divides with the unifying power of music. His work with jazz legends, rock royalty, and classical maestros showcased his adaptability to various musical contexts. He handled intricate musical environments with ease, improvising with astounding ingenuity while always staying faithful to his roots.
King Ferus Mustafov became a musical hero thanks to his dexterity and distinctive style, but his influence went beyond his skill on the instrument. He was an ambassador for culture, working hard to promote and protect the rich musical traditions of the Balkans. He gave centuries-old tunes fresh life through his performances, ensuring that they would resound throughout the next generations. He served as a mentor to budding musicians, sharing his experience and developing the next generation of talent. His dedication to his trade was unshakeable, and he made unrivaled efforts to ensure the survival of Balkan folk music.
The legacy of King Ferus Mustafov is measured not just by his amazing musical achievements, but also by the numerous lives he affected. His music became a source of inspiration and solace, uniting people from all walks of life. He was a unifying force, reminding us of the potential of music to bridge divides and create harmony in a world rife with strife.
As we say goodbye to this remarkable musician today, we recall King Ferus Mustafov as a real visionary and pioneer who had a lasting impact on music. His talent, creativity, and dedication will continue to motivate future generations. We shall always cherish the melodies he performed, the feelings he sparked, and the cultural connections he created.
Farewell, King Ferus Mustafov, your music will forever echo through the mountains and valleys of the Balkans and beyond. Thank you for bringing your tremendous talent into our lives and leaving an indelible impression on the world of music. As your melodies continue to dance in the winds of the Balkan spirit, may your soul find eternal peace.

  1. May 2023


The king of Romani music, Ferus Mustafov, died, the funeral was according to his wishes in Skopje

After a short illness, the king of Roma music, Ferus Mustafov (72), died tonight.

His family members learned the news of his death early this morning.

-"He died last night, we were told the bad news this morning. We are broken with pain, we all hoped that he would get well and come back to us, but unfortunately he left us. Some media mentioned that according to his wishes, the funeral will be in Shtip, where he was born and where he lived with his family in recent years, but according to the latest information, he will be buried in Skopje" - say the family

Ferus had a stroke on April 26 and has been in the "8 September" hospital since then. According to the relatives, they hoped that the situation would improve, but unfortunately, it did not happen.

Ferus Mustafov was a long-time music editor of the first Roma private television station, TV BTR – National, and the creator of many entertaining music projects on TV BTR.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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