
Serbia: The Eurovision song pointed to systemic discrimination against the Roma

Contestants Zejna and Gipsy spoke about the hatred they experience daily because of their nationality, drawing attention to the festering and bleeding wounds of Serbian society that we turn a blind eye to daily.

In fact, the only contestant who won Eurovision and brought Eurovision to Serbia was of Roma origin. It was a moment of great pride for Serbia. The Roma have played a key role in shaping the cultural landscape of our country and it is necessary to recognize their invaluable contribution to the country's artistic heritage.

The fact that Zejna and Gypsy brought this issue to the fore during the Eurovision selection process highlights the power of art to draw attention to social issues."


The competition for Audition for children performers of songs for "Chavoricano Suno 2022" organized by SP BTR is open

SP BTR Production within the realization of the Children's Festival "Chavoricano Suno 2022" which will be held in September, announces the Competition for performers - performers of children's songs for the festival.

Conditions for the competition are as follows:

- Children aged 7 - 14 years

- To be talented in singing

- It is desirable for them to speak the Romani language

- To have the approval of a parent-guardian.

Anyone interested in applying and applying can apply at SP BTR 0 ul 376 no.108 Skopje or by e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The competition is open until June 30, 2022

Guča, Srbija: Kristijan Azirović taro Bojnik - Jekhto truba ki Guča bašo 2021

Ko 60-to jubularno  festivali e trubake Guča, o phursako sar jekhto truba ki Guča lelja o trubači taro Bojnik o Kristijan Azirović . Oleskoro orkestari lelja o phursako bašo majšukar bašavdo horo.

O orkestari taro Vladimir Ivanović taro Zagušanje si notirime sar majšular. Majšukar bubnjari si notirime o Filip Stojanović, bas truba o Stefan Ilić a i gili taro Marko Gligorijević.

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Esma bend thaj o orkestar Brakjata Nune kergje čačutno spektakli ko akaleberšeskoro EXIT festivali ko Novi Sad

Pali akaharin taro organizatoria o Esmas Bend  sine len koncerti ko EXIT em agjaar lošakergje sa e publika em fania tari legendarna Esma.

Sine rat lipardi e Esmake,  giljaven pe sine em  bašavena pe sine sa o majbare hitia taro Esma so nikana na čhinavdile te šunen pe. Sar jekhutnno džuvljano vokali so sine educirimi tari Esma sine i Eleonora Mustafova em giljavgja perfektno, a sine uravde ko šalvare tari Esma si olake dengja olen. O orkestar Brakja Nune  em o bendi kergje saste remek delo ko bašavipa em o neve aranžmana taro “ Zošto si me majko rodila”, “Romano horo”, “ Mangava tut”, “Čhae Šukarie” em but aver hitia so i publika gljaven len sine lencar.

Akava koncerti sine panda majbaro motiv o šefi e bendeskoro o Simeon Atanasob  te kerel panda buti ki pravda te ovel promovirimi em te pherel o amaneti dendo tari Esma thaj Stevo Teodosievski.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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