
Marija Serifovic: "I will pay and house the family"

Singer Marija Serifovic reacted angrily to the shocking story of the removal of the Osmani family from their home in Dorcol. Belgrade offered financial aid

At that expulsion, more police officers removed family members, even the sick woman with cancer on the stretcher.

"Honestly..In this beautiful Serbia, nothing can surprise me anymore ... And I can no longer describe any amount of anger that has occurred to me..but here I am not saying what I mean and being a jerk an oven for someone ... If anyone has contact - I'll pay and take care of the family, "Sherifovic wrote on Twitter.

For a reminder listed by the "Roof Overhead" Joint Action. the Osmani family lived in this house on Danube Street 30 for years. However, their house, which was built in 1934, was erased in 2015 by Katastar.

Greek singer Glikeria Kotsula from Greece sang in front of 200,000 people with tears in her eyes

Famous Roma pop singer Glikeria, 66, began her solo career back in 1974.

Her style of interpretation is absolutely special, full of depth, melancholy and endless emotion.

She has performed with many famous music names in her over 40 years of successful career.

At a performance in Israel in the summer of 1993. His performance was marked by a performance in his own version of the Israeli folk song "Shabechi Yerushaly'im" in Hebrew for "Praise the Lord for Jerusalem!"

Her deep connection with Israel culminated in 1998 when she was called to sing at a special memorial event for Iitzak Rabin who was killed in 1995.

That performance was marked by a tearful composition in front of an estimated 200,000 people in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square. That performance was accompanied by the Israeli Philharmonic.

Rocky from Shutka fulfills his dream of "It's never too late", and Prijovic's comment will remember him for life

As with any season, there will be contenders from Macedonia and the region struggling to make it to the finals, or first.

The first show of "It's Never Too Late" featured 60-year-old Rufat Selim Rocki from Skopje, more precisely from Shutka.

Otherwise Rocky has been a well-known name in Roma folks music for many years, but for the general public to use this chance is through this show to build a career,

Rocky said he wanted to be a big star, but that desire was not met because of a lack of funds.

Rocky comments about his singing were more than positive. "This song is sung like this. Awesome, no mistake ”was a short Prijovic short for a song by Shaban Saulic.

You can watch Rocky's performance in the video below at 18:09.


Premier of the Boban Fest Music Festival in Vladicin Han

The trumpet master Boban Markovic, born Vladicin Han, is organizing the Boban Fest Music Festival for the first time this year on August 28 on the stage of SRC "Kunjak".

Organizer of the festival 3: "Boban Markovic's Trumpet Guards" Association. The patron is Vladimirich Jan municipality.

“At the initiative of Boban Markovic who has been on the music scene for over 30 years, we have decided to organize a world music festival. Boban's desire was to put his experience and contacts at the festival's service so that his hometown of southern Serbia could bring his fellow musicians from both Serbia and Europe. The festival has an ambition to become traditional and to expand its activities with music workshops, "said the Boban Markovic Trump Guardians Association.

The main mission of the festival is to present audiences from the south of Serbia with the highest quality music scene in the world music genre. The wish of the organizer is for all music lovers, trumpets, to welcome their fellow musicians from Serbia and the region to the trumpet city - Vladicin Han.

Asked by Boban Markovic why the festival is organized exactly in Vladichin Han, he mentioned:

"Because I'm here in front of my own as well as at the world festivals, and the audience enjoys my music, but Vladichin Han wouldn't change it for any place in the world. Here are all the ones that are most important to me in my life, I started here and would like to finish my life and professional story here as well, "says Boban Markovic.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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