
Aleksandra Prijović is proud to be Roma, and her grandfather chased her father with a gun: "He is a world thief, that's why Borka left him"

The more Aleksandra Prijović's successes continue, the more the regional media are interested in her past.

Now, information has surfaced about her life from a few years ago, when she was happily spending her time with her grandfather, Boro, in whose house (with her mother) they lived in Croatia. Alexandra's grandfather died four years ago, and Boro once told his story to Serbian "Svet" and that he "tried to kill Alexandra's father, Nedeljko", because Nedeljko allegedly wanted to rob him. "I raised her." Her father never bought her anything. Her mother Borka divorced him because he is a worldly thief. He steals and robs everything. I once shot him because he was stealing money from my house. I chased him out of the house, at the gate, with a gun. And now he left them with nothing. My father is Roma, and my mother is Serbian...", said grandfather Boro a few years before his death, and Alexandra then explained that her grandfather did not know what he was talking about because he was demented.

"My grandfather says unrelated things, today he says something, and tomorrow he doesn't know what he said. The man is over 70 years old. Although his leg was amputated, he continues to drink, he had a stroke. My grandfather is Roma, my grandmother is not. Philip and Brenna know that and it doesn't bother them. I am proud of my origin. My father hurt me by saying he left me when I was a baby. And it is true that they divorced when I was three years old. But I see my father regularly. The only thing that is true is that I didn't finish high school, but I plan to finish part-time," the singer once admitted.

When her grandfather passed away, Priya admitted that she was very emotionally attached to him



The musician Ilmi Mustafov, the son of the legendary Ferus Mustafov, died

Another tragedy in the musical family of the Mustafovs. The famous saxophonist and clarinetist Ilmi Mustafov died suddenly and after a short illness on August 16, 2023.

Ilmi was also a member of the Fire Boys group. In his nearly three-decade career, he has recorded many dances and chocets, some with his group and some with his famous father, the now legendary Ferus Mustafoov.

This is a heavy loss and many musicians and his colleagues are forgiving him through social networks.

Otherwise, the death of Ilmi Mustafov surprised everyone, if it is known that only less than 3 months ago, on May 22 of this year, his father Ferus also died. M.

According to the latest information, the funeral is planned for August 17.


80 years since the birth of the queen of Roma music Esma Redzepovska - Teodosievska

Esma Redzepova Teodosievska was born on August 8, 1943 in Skopje, North Macedonia.

She is a world-famous singer of Roma origin, who earned the title "Queen of Roma Music".

In 2013 received the prestigious title of National Artist of the Republic of Macedonia

Esma was the fifth of the six children of Kania and Ibrahim Redzepov. She started her musical career at the age of 13.

Esma is the most prominent musical name on the Macedonian, Balkan and world music folk scene, she is a woman who dedicated her life to humanity, philanthropy and kindness. The woman with the divine voice, she conquered the world with her song, temperament and Romani musical rhythm. Esma has become an easily recognizable Macedonian brand in the world with its originality and musical virtuosity.

Esma Redzepova Teodsievska has recorded and released more than 580 songs, including two platinum and eight gold discs. There were more than 22,000 concerts, a third of which were held for charity. With the Teodosievski Ensemble, he recorded 108 singles, 32 compact cassettes, 15 discs, six videotapes and numerous television shows.

She died on December 11, 2016 and was buried in the Alley of the Great in the Butel cemetery, Skopje.


"Nishville" presented its program in Skopje

As part of the Skopje summer, tonight in Kurshumli An in Skopje, in cooperation with PolyFonia, a concert is being held at the jazz festival "Nishville" from Serbia. Moba Trio, Nashville Romayam Orchestra and DJ Ball will perform.

According to the ambassador of Serbia in the country, Nevena Jovanović, through the performance of this "Nishville" jazz festival in Skopje, the good bilateral cooperation that exists between the two countries is once again confirmed.

She emphasized that Serbia is fully committed to fostering friendly cooperation with Macedonia and hopes that it will intensify in the future.

Shaban Bajramović's composition will be on the program, considering that in addition to classical, the audience will have the opportunity to hear ethnic jazz music as well.

The pianist of the "Moba Trio" group, Misha Pavlovic, pointed out that they do this mostly out of love for classic jazz, they play compositions from last year, and the recording of their album is in progress.

The vocal soloist of the Nashville "Romajam" orchestra, Zlata Marinkovic, indicated that she is glad to be a part of this project and to have the opportunity to capture the Roma and ethnic jazz music.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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