Roma music brought a spectacle to the last night of the World Music Fest in Zeman

Roma music closed this year's edition of World Music Fest Zeman in Novi Pazar in a spectacular way on August 4. On Žitni trg, starting at 21:00, the Balkan Zoo and Nina Korić brought a combination of traditional Roma melodies with modern sounds such as jazz, hip-hop and electronic flamenco. Their performance raised the atmosphere to the highest level and provided the audience with an unforgettable experience.

Balkan Zoo and Nina Koric are known for blurring the boundaries between cultures and genres, creating music that inspires and unites. Their performance was the highlight of the festival, which already delighted the visitors with the performances of Damir Imamović, as well as with the winning performance of Hana Talić at the Glas Zeman competition night. The audience had the opportunity to enjoy Spanish melos performed by the Spanish artist Laura Marin.


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