The documentary film dedicated to Saban Bajramović - "My Journey" has been officially selected for the Film Awards at the "Prism" Film Festival in Rome, Italy.

The first shooting for the film began in 2008. A lot of material was shot, but the director Zeljko Mirkovic made the film the way they imagined it

"He earned millions and spent everything. He did not seek fame, but became a legend, a king and an emperor. He was guided by love and freedom throughout his life. He sang about life as it was given to him...", with these words the director Zeljko Mirkovic introduced his new documentary "My Journey".

Its realization will bring viewers closer to the life and creativity of the inimitable musician Shaban Bajramović from a special angle.

The film is produced by "Optimist Film" and lasts 80 minutes, and Mirkovic, whose works have won as many as 58 international awards, reveals that he worked on this documentary for more than 10 years.

"Saban Bajramović is the Odysseus of freedom. Like the ancient hero Odysseus, he spent his life on the journey to his home after the war. The ancient Odysseus traveled the sea with his friends and soldiers from challenge to challenge, driven by his love for his family and freedom , and gifted with wisdom and courage as the main weapon happened to become a sacred musical legend and a symbol of true freedom and love," says Mirkovic. "I was impressed by his passion for freedom and life. For this reason, his songs are filled with love. Through his compositions, Saban paints his life. They are always inspired by life. His life and the life of his loved ones," says Mirkovic.

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