
Title Author Hits
Roma Horoscope - Predictions for July 2024 Written by Ramuš Muarem 181
On December 22, during the SFRY, it was the day of the JNA, what do you need to know about that army? Written by Ramuš Muarem 350
Alina Memeti - the little heroine from Tetovo with art and defies leukemia! Written by Ramuš Muarem 399
Severina Laitman, the first Roma on the cover of Elle! Written by Ramuš Muarem 697
Greece, Patras: The bridge in Patras collapsed on Roma sheltering from the heat: "It fell on us, a miracle saved me!" Written by Ramuš Muarem 526
The Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina filed an indictment against a Roma from Klina, accusing him of war crimes in 1999. Written by Ramuš Muarem 390
Croatia, Sisak: In a Roma settlement in Sisak, a person killed a 45-year-old woman, seriously injured four people and set fire to 2 houses and a car Written by Ramuš Muarem 375
Brno, Czech Republic: Young Roma stabbed to death because of music in Brno Written by Ramuš Muarem 539
The Director of the Market Inspectorate, Goran Trajkovski, announced a STOP for serving alcohol to minors, the intensified field controls continue! Written by Ramuš Muarem 410
The director of PE "Macedonia pat" Kostadin Acevski: "We are paving all over the country because everyone is important!" Written by Ramuš Muarem 412
FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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