Severina Laitman, the first Roma on the cover of Elle!

The Croatian edition of the most famous fashion magazine in the world "Elle" pushes the boundaries with the latest edition "TI SI SVE". The young Roma woman, Severina Laitman, a native of Međimurje from Pishkorovec, today a student at the Faculty of Philosophy who is engaged in acting, singing and dancing, became the first Roma woman on the cover of that magazine.

- Being on the front page of an international magazine really means a lot to me and I am very honored that the opportunity was presented to me. I never dreamed that I would ever do something in the world of fashion, but spontaneous things are the best for me and I am sure that this is one of the most beautiful things that happened in my life - points out Severina Laitman,–

The new issue of the Croatian edition of Elle with as many as 260 pages is on the market from September 29!





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