The director of PE "Macedonia pat" Kostadin Acevski: "We are paving all over the country because everyone is important!"

Within the framework of his activities and competences, the head of PE "Macedonia Pat" Kostadin Acevski introduced the general public to the undertaken activities of this public enterprise, introducing the citizens to some of them. He recently said: "We are paving all over Macedonia, because everyone is important!" - said the director of Macedonia road Kostadin Acevski.

He gave an insight into some of the construction works across the country. In that context, he mentioned the section Kumanovo - Mlado Nagoricane, 3 km long and 6 meters wide, the Dragomance - Arbanashko section, 2.8 km long and 5 meters wide, as well as the Veles section (roundabout) - Kosturnica, 1 km long and 6.7 meters wide. He indicated that they will not stop here and that they will continue with all activities.


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