Romani Ukrainian soldier Andrii Salko laid to rest in Uzhhorod, mourners carried the Romani flag behind his coffin

Mr. Andrii Salko (46) has been laid to rest in Uzhhorod, Ukraine, an officer and a soldier who, just like other Romani Ukrainians, had been defending Ukraine from Russian occupation. After sustaining severe battle wounds and a long course of treatment, he passed away on 12 April.

Local Romani people carried the Romani flag behind the hearse carrying his coffin to his final resting place. Andrii Zoltanovich Salko was born 16 August 1976 in Uzhhorod.

After finishing school, he apprenticed as a carpenter and worked for different enterprises in the city. He became a defender of Ukraine in 2014, when he fought in the east against Russian separatists.

After the Russian Army invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Mr. Salko defended his homeland once more. He was repeatedly decorated for his bravery and courage.

“Andrii was an amazing, sincere, honest and devoted man. He always came to see me on behalf of people who needed aid. Our sincere condolences go to the family and friends of this hero at this bitter moment. May he rest in peace,” Romani activist Myroslav Horvat of Uzhhorod posted to Facebook.


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