Alina Memeti - the little heroine from Tetovo with art and defies leukemia!

These days in the "Detska Radost" kindergarten in Skopje, 7-year-old Alina Memeti had her first independent exhibition of children's drawings.

Otherwise, the exhibition itself is even more valuable and significant because it is from a child, she will be only 7 years old, but more importantly, little Alina Memeti is a real hero. Despite her illness - leukemia, her inspiration as a patient of the Oncology - Children's Clinic, she finds it in her innate talent - art,

She started drawing since she was 2 years old, so her love for drawing continued during her treatment at the Children's Clinic.

All but one, educators and doctors as well as teachers believe that Alina will beat this disease and that she will have many more years to show her talent for drawing and art.

Alina, you are a hero and you will succeed!



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