The Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina filed an indictment against a Roma from Klina, accusing him of war crimes in 1999.

The Kosovo Special Prosecutor's Office filed an indictment today in absentia against a person of Roma nationality with the initials I.B. from the municipality of Klina. He is accused of having committed a war crime against the civilian population in the period from 1998 to 1999.

"The Special Prosecutor's Office filed an indictment in absentia against the defendant I. B, a Roma nationality from the municipality of Klina, due to reasonable suspicion that he committed the criminal offense of 'war crime against the civilian population', sanctioned by Article 142 in connection with Article 22 of the Criminal Code of the Socialist Federal of the Republic of Yugoslavia, as the law that was in force at the time the criminal offense was committed," the announcement states.

He is charged that in the period from 1998/99. joined the Serbian army and police and participated in the looting of the civilian population and their homes, and that on that occasion he took things such as vehicles, cattle, televisions and other items.

The Kosovo Special Prosecutor's Office also charges him with setting fire to a house in the village of Zajmovo, where, they claim, burnt bodies were found.

"Also, the same person participated in the burning of houses in the village of Zajmovo and the surrounding villages, where the burned victims of B.A were found in one of the burned houses, that is, in the house of M.A." and B.K., and under the threat of weapons for the purpose of intimidation, participated in the expulsion of residents of Albanian nationality from their homes," the announcement states.



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