Greece, Patras: The bridge in Patras collapsed on Roma sheltering from the heat: "It fell on us, a miracle saved me!"

Part of the bridge at the entrance to the Greek city of Patras collapsed today, and reports indicate that at least one person died, and eight injured were taken to the hospital.

Previously, that bridge had problems with statics, which is why, as reported, the work on its rehabilitation began in 2021. At least one person died and eight were injured, some of whom are in critical condition – the police with a specially trained dog are on the ground.

It is about a bridge near the Roma settlement, on Perimetrika Odos Patra, at the 205th kilometer of the Athens-Patra national highway.

According to local media reports, a group of Roma were under the bridge seeking shelter from the heat when the structure fell on them.

- They are dead. I was down there too, me and my brother. We were taking out scrap metal and the bridge fell on us - said an eyewitness, who was on the spot when the bridge collapsed in the Bozaitika neighborhood.

- I escaped by a miracle, I was in a corner - he says, but claims that there are dead people down in the ruins. According to EKAV, there is already one dead and 8 injured, who have been transferred to the University Hospital of Rio and to "Agios Andreas" in Patras.

Interruption of traffic to Athens

Vehicular traffic is already suspended on the wide ring road of Patras, in the traffic to Athens. In addition, vehicular traffic was stopped on Diodorou Street in Patras.

EKAB operates with five ambulances and a mobile medical unit on site. KEPI EKAV has placed the University General Hospital of Patras in Rio and the General Hospital of Patras "Agios Andreas" on high alert. Currently, 5 people have been transported to PGNP in Rio, one of whom is unconscious, and 3 people to GN. Patras "Agios Andreas".

Dozens of firefighters, the 6th EMAK, as well as large police forces who continued to stop traffic on the surrounding streets are participating in the action. The mayor of Patreon, Kostas Peletidis, also came to the scene of the tragedy.




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