Brno, Czech Republic: Young Roma stabbed to death because of music in Brno

On Saturday evening tragedy struck in Brno-Bystrc near the Přístaviště tram stop. Several people got into an argument that escalated into a scuffle during which a foreign national attacked two men with a knife. One of the victims later succumbed to his injuries in hospital. According to news server, the deceased is a 23-year-old Romani man. According to police spokesperson Petr Vala, the crime was perpetrated just before 20:00 CET and the injured men had to be transported to hospital with stab wounds.

“One victim died later in hospital. The assailant was arrested by officers on the scene and jailed. He is a foreign national suspected of the especially serious crime of murder,” Vala said in a press release.

Detectives are also asking the public to aid their investigation. “If you witnessed this assault, or if you know what preceded it, call 158 immediately. Police officers also welcome any video recordings of the scuffle that may have been taken with mobile phones,” Vala said.

The Brno Reservoir was setting off fireworks as part of the traditional Ignis Brunensis show Saturday night, which was attended by several thousands of people. According to information obtained by, the conflict started on a tram, where a group of foreign nationals disliked the music being played by a group of young people; both groups exited at the same stop, where the conflict continued.


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