NGO Projects

Neither money nor projects have changed the lives of Roma

For 20 years and an intensive Roma decade, almost nothing has changed in the lives of Roma:

All this, the Roma population remains on the margins of society:
"To reduce the gap between the Roma and the rest of the population and who face discrimination and unequal treatment in the institutions, and be equal and equal in our society," said Erol Ademov, pres. of the Multiethnic Society for Human Rights.

Moving from a dead point, so far only in the part of education:
"It can hardly be expected that the problems will be in 10-15 years, but I can say that in the part of education we have a large number of Roma in higher education," experts from the eastern part of Macedonia say

In the Eastern region live between 35-40,000 Roma. Of these, as many as 55% are unemployed, which is twice as high as the average unemployment rate, accounting for 27% of the total working population. All this was said at today's celebration of the International Roma Day.

The International Roma Women Network IRWN-Phenjalipe

8 April - The International Roma Women Network IRWN-Phenjalipe comes with congratulations to all Roma members and members of the Roma community on the International Roma Day Nation. We believe that diversity of culture and tradition can enrich a society and at the same time make it more tolerant and inclusive. We also mention that such a day is also an opportunity for reflection on the problems faced by Roma communities, especially Roma women and girls.

Recognizing the difficulties and, above all, finding long-term solutions, through joint efforts and dialogue between all those responsible, is a test of maturity of society. The social inclusion of all disadvantaged or vulnerable groups is the pillar key to build a society that supports and promotes education, culture, performance and unity in diversity that appreciates every human and offers opportunities without discrimination! 

We wish you happy holidays and a decent life without discrimination!
Te aven Saste thaj Bahtale Romalen!

The International Roma Women Network IRWN-Phenjalipe

Prime Minister Zaev from NRC Kumanovo received recognition for contribution to peace, well-being, development and integration of Roma

Today, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, received a delegation from the association National Roma Centrum (NRC), whose executive director Asmet Elezovski gave Prime Minister Zaev recognition for his contribution to ensuring peace, well-being, development and integration of Roma and all other citizens in the country.

At the meeting, held at the Government Hall of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the representatives of the Association NRC, in separate speeches, introduced the Prime Minister Zaev with his work and program goals, noting that they are working to improve the rights not only of the members of the Roma community, but all citizens with different social and ethnic structure, especially the marginalized and socially vulnerable categories.

"This day, April 8 - International Roma Day, is a great opportunity to thank you for everything you do about children, women and in general the rights of Roma, to improve their quality of life and other citizens, because your activism is of invaluable wealth and from the help and efforts and measures taken by the Government, "Prime Minister Zaev congratulated the holiday and stressed that he expresses sincere gratitude for all the activism of the civil society organizations, in the name of the executive power and all citizens, with hopeEka Government will further motivate them in further efforts.

Prime Minister Zaev underlined that the government is aimed at working on social aspects, improving the infrastructure, conditions for education and employment of the members of the Roma community.

"We are sincere to achieve an equal society for all citizens," Prime Minister Zaev said, underlining that the Republic of Northern Macedonia creates living conditions that correspond to one member state of the European Union.

Addressing the President of the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, acknowledging the contribution to the development of the society for equal opportunities, Director Elezovski and the President of the Managing Board of the Association Ms. Nada Stojmenova emphasized that the National Roma Centrum will continue with the mission for solving the problems faced by citizens and those most vulnerable groups who need social, health and legal assistance, with the sole aim of achieving social inclusion and involving justice and equal rights is equal for all.

New facilitators and experts engaged in the Romacted program

The Romacted program shows good results through an initiative where facilitators across 11 cities and municipalities with members of the LAG refer to local governments.

In this phase of realization of this program, 4 additional facilitators have been hired, and for each local self-government there are experts from several areas who will be engaged in realization of the priorities of the Roma community in those cities.

Culture in most cities appears as an area known to the Roma community as a segment that there is little work, and it is necessary to establish cultural centers that will be the place where the Roma community will decide on their identity, culture, language.


FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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