Neither money nor projects have changed the lives of Roma

For 20 years and an intensive Roma decade, almost nothing has changed in the lives of Roma:

All this, the Roma population remains on the margins of society:
"To reduce the gap between the Roma and the rest of the population and who face discrimination and unequal treatment in the institutions, and be equal and equal in our society," said Erol Ademov, pres. of the Multiethnic Society for Human Rights.

Moving from a dead point, so far only in the part of education:
"It can hardly be expected that the problems will be in 10-15 years, but I can say that in the part of education we have a large number of Roma in higher education," experts from the eastern part of Macedonia say

In the Eastern region live between 35-40,000 Roma. Of these, as many as 55% are unemployed, which is twice as high as the average unemployment rate, accounting for 27% of the total working population. All this was said at today's celebration of the International Roma Day.

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