Prime Minister Zaev from NRC Kumanovo received recognition for contribution to peace, well-being, development and integration of Roma

Today, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, received a delegation from the association National Roma Centrum (NRC), whose executive director Asmet Elezovski gave Prime Minister Zaev recognition for his contribution to ensuring peace, well-being, development and integration of Roma and all other citizens in the country.

At the meeting, held at the Government Hall of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the representatives of the Association NRC, in separate speeches, introduced the Prime Minister Zaev with his work and program goals, noting that they are working to improve the rights not only of the members of the Roma community, but all citizens with different social and ethnic structure, especially the marginalized and socially vulnerable categories.

"This day, April 8 - International Roma Day, is a great opportunity to thank you for everything you do about children, women and in general the rights of Roma, to improve their quality of life and other citizens, because your activism is of invaluable wealth and from the help and efforts and measures taken by the Government, "Prime Minister Zaev congratulated the holiday and stressed that he expresses sincere gratitude for all the activism of the civil society organizations, in the name of the executive power and all citizens, with hopeEka Government will further motivate them in further efforts.

Prime Minister Zaev underlined that the government is aimed at working on social aspects, improving the infrastructure, conditions for education and employment of the members of the Roma community.

"We are sincere to achieve an equal society for all citizens," Prime Minister Zaev said, underlining that the Republic of Northern Macedonia creates living conditions that correspond to one member state of the European Union.

Addressing the President of the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, acknowledging the contribution to the development of the society for equal opportunities, Director Elezovski and the President of the Managing Board of the Association Ms. Nada Stojmenova emphasized that the National Roma Centrum will continue with the mission for solving the problems faced by citizens and those most vulnerable groups who need social, health and legal assistance, with the sole aim of achieving social inclusion and involving justice and equal rights is equal for all.

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