The International Roma Women Network IRWN-Phenjalipe

8 April - The International Roma Women Network IRWN-Phenjalipe comes with congratulations to all Roma members and members of the Roma community on the International Roma Day Nation. We believe that diversity of culture and tradition can enrich a society and at the same time make it more tolerant and inclusive. We also mention that such a day is also an opportunity for reflection on the problems faced by Roma communities, especially Roma women and girls.

Recognizing the difficulties and, above all, finding long-term solutions, through joint efforts and dialogue between all those responsible, is a test of maturity of society. The social inclusion of all disadvantaged or vulnerable groups is the pillar key to build a society that supports and promotes education, culture, performance and unity in diversity that appreciates every human and offers opportunities without discrimination! 

We wish you happy holidays and a decent life without discrimination!
Te aven Saste thaj Bahtale Romalen!

The International Roma Women Network IRWN-Phenjalipe

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