NGO Projects

Discrimination against Roma women is difficult to eradicate

Roma women face many types of discrimination and suffer violence, but they often do not recognize it and do not even report it. Things may change, but it is not known how long it will take. NGOs work to raise awareness of education and economic empowerment.

Discrimination of Roma women comes from the family, and then only goes on in all social segments of their lives. They are discriminated against on all grounds, and this is difficult to recognize and it is still a matter of time for them to fight for their rights, respect and dignity, among other things, says young Birsana Demirovska from Kumanovo's Roma settlement Sredorek.

“There are many types of discrimination. There's violence, but women don't even try to report it because they think it's normal for their husband to slap them or something. "

The Roma women in the period of almost unfinished childhood enter the wild marital communities, and then the children give birth to children.


NRC with a project to support women who have survived violence

The number of women reporting violence is low, says the report "Availability and Access to Support Services for Roma Women and Girls Who Survived Violence in Kicevo, Kumanovo, Veles, Prilep, Kocani and Stip" presented recently by the National Roma center in Kumanovo.

The project is being implemented with the support of the European Union as part of the UN Women regional program. Field research has shown that very few women for various reasons do not report violence.

According to the data, 15 women from Kumanovo sought and received legal advice in NRC.

The project presentation was attended by representatives of local institutions, institutions, NGOs.

2019 Report on National Roma Integration Strategies: Key Conclusions

Education: Today, there are still 68% of Roma who leave education early, while the Europe 2020 early school leavers target is 10%. In addition only 18% of Roma children transit to higher levels of education and the absenteeism and early-school leaving rates of Roma are significantly higher than for other categories of pupils.

Employment: 43% of Roma are in a form of paid employment. In addition, 63% of young Roma are not in education, employment or training.

Health: Almost a quarter of Roma people have no national health insurance

Housing: Roma often live in areas where most neighbours are Roma too. In addition, a third of Roma households do not have tap water, just over half have an indoor flush toilet or shower and 78% of Roma live in overcrowded households.

Fighting discrimination and antigypsyism: Roma are still discriminated against across the EU: for instance, 43% of Roma experience discrimination when trying to buy or rent housing, Roma are not aware enough of their rights in terms of equality and need to build more trust in law enforcement authorities.


The trainings organized by ARBICM for "Pedagogical Assistant for Primary Education Students" have started

As part of the implementation of a new special program "Pedagogical Assistant for Primary Education Students", which will aim to train candidates for successful work with primary education students.

They will need to work with students who show lower learning success to help enroll students in primary education and teach primary school students to master the curriculum.

In this context Association of Roma Business Information Center in Macedonia – ARBICM in cooperation with MLSP in - Department of Labor Law and Employment Policy, Center for Vocational Education and Training from Skopje and Center for Adult Education informed that everything is ready applicants for Pedagogical Assistant to begin their training.

Anyone who successfully completes the training will receive a diploma for this standard occupation - "Pedagogical Assistant", and in the future will be free to apply for new employment in that field.

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