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Facts about the municipality of Shuto Orizari

Shuto Orizari is beginning to develop in late 1963, the beginning of 1964, with the settlement of the first inhabitants, mostly Roma. The name derives from the word "shit" which means infertility. With the gradual shaping of the settlement, the Municipality of Suto Orizari begins to gain the appearance of an urbanized suburban neighborhood.

Over time, the settlement acquires its own administrative and cultural institutions. In 1996, Shuto Orizari together with the two villages around him - Gorno and Dolno Orizari form an independent administrative unit - the municipality of Suto Orizari. The municipality of Shuto Orizari is the first municipality in the world with a majority Roma population.

The municipality of Shuto Orizari covers an area of ​​7.48 km² and has a population density of 2,780.75 inhabitants / km².

The general picture of the population in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, according to the census of the population, households and dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia. since 2002 is given in the tables below (according to unofficial data about 35,000 inhabitants). According to the data, 60.6% of the total population in the municipality is of Roma ethnicity or around 14.000 Roma.

However, with the reiteration that all this data should be taken with reserve since it has been a long period since the last official census.

Migration movements of the population show a trend of increase of the total population in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, and are shown in the following tables together with the age structure of the population (of which only 4.6% is above the age limit of 65 years, and differs significantly from the population in the City Skopje above the same age limit as 10.4%)

There are 2 elementary schools in the Municipality of Shuto Orizari. One of them is called "Brothers Ramiz and Hamid" where students, except students who study in Macedonian language and have a subject Roma language. The other school is "26 July" where it is taught in Albanian language. At the same time, there is a high school named "Shaip Yusuf"
In the municipality there is an outpatient clinic where almost all inhabitants of Suto Orizari are treated, but also from the nearby villages of Brazhd, Kučeviste, Pobožje

The mayor of the municipality from 2017 with a four-year mandate is Kurta Dudush from SDSM. The council of the municipality has 19 councilors out of which eight are from SDSM, seven from SRM, two from DUI, one.

The Council of the Municipality of Suto Orizari has adopted a Decision to open a Police

Department and a Decision to retreat a construction owned by the municipality of Shuto Orizari to the Ministry of Interior for the purpose of opening a Police Department.

The Council of the Municipality of Suto Orizari, due to the increased number of violations related to the public order and peace, due to increased frequency of visitors to the market, and the traffic jam on the main street in Shuto Orizari, determined the need to open a police department.

According to Article 2 of the Decision on opening a Police Department, the work of the police will be in accordance with the competencies of the Ministry of Interior, in the direction to prevent criminal acts, to increase the protection of the citizens’ safety and efficient disclosure of perpetrators of crimes.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, is granted without compensation in the possession of the premises owned by the municipality of Suto Orizari located at street ,,Nov Zivot” bb for performing works in the field of public security.

Dr. Snezana Zoksimovska has more than 100,000 children vaccinated in the Polyclinic Shuto Orizari for 3 decades

 In the Skopje municipality of Suto Orizari, statistically, there is the lowest percentage of vaccine opponents and the smallest percentage of measles patients.

Roma from the neighborhood regularly bring their children to vaccination.

This municipality in Skopje has the largest coverage of immunization, the measles vaccine has received 97% of children aged 12 months.
Dr. Snezana Zoksimovska has more than 100,000 children vaccinated in the Polyclinic Shuto Orizari for 3 decades.
The children who were vaccinated decades ago now, now bring their wounds to her for immunization.

"It is very satisfying when a parent comes with a child or grandmother with a grandchild and tells them:" Hey granddaughter, this doctor and me vaccinated me
That means that the parents themselves had confidence in me for all of whom I have vaccinated. "That's the result of my 30 years of work in this clinic," says De Snezana Zoksimovska.

Otherwise, from 59 measles diseases in Skopje, this municipality has only one seven-month-old baby. The measles vaccine from this municipality has received 97% of children.

World Bank ready to support local economic development in Shuto Orizari

At the meeting, according to the Municipality of Shuto Orizari, women's creditworthiness was discussed through a model of association that involves networking with business incubators and continuous communication with young promoters for acquiring business skills, facilitation, financial literacy and saving.
-The Opportunities, mentoring and economic reintegration are needed for the Roma, especially Roma women for starting a business.
In order to gain an influential economic enterprise, it is necessary to properly establish the price of the product or service, to find mechanisms for the sustainability of the labor market, expand the business through specific skills and tools, marketing and knowledge of the basic business concepts, said Srdjan Amet from the Sector for local economic development.
Developing local tourism or "community based tourism" is also one of the possibilities for improving the standard of living.
Municipality of Shuto Orizari, for the first time established a department for local economic development, which is an important prerequisite for supporting new investments and establishing economic relations.

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