World Bank ready to support local economic development in Shuto Orizari

At the meeting, according to the Municipality of Shuto Orizari, women's creditworthiness was discussed through a model of association that involves networking with business incubators and continuous communication with young promoters for acquiring business skills, facilitation, financial literacy and saving.
-The Opportunities, mentoring and economic reintegration are needed for the Roma, especially Roma women for starting a business.
In order to gain an influential economic enterprise, it is necessary to properly establish the price of the product or service, to find mechanisms for the sustainability of the labor market, expand the business through specific skills and tools, marketing and knowledge of the basic business concepts, said Srdjan Amet from the Sector for local economic development.
Developing local tourism or "community based tourism" is also one of the possibilities for improving the standard of living.
Municipality of Shuto Orizari, for the first time established a department for local economic development, which is an important prerequisite for supporting new investments and establishing economic relations.

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