Šutka NEWS

Tradition among the old Roma: May 2 - The day of the most beautiful lambs in Shuto Orizari.

Daniel Petrovski - Master of Ethnology and Anthropology wrote on his FB profile

"Several Roma families traditionally presented their lambs early in the morning. The lambs, bought a few months earlier mostly from the villages of Kopanica and Rasce, announced the Erdelezi holiday, which is thought to be the period when winter ends and the new summer season begins. The lambs are big but they are young for a few months and they are still sucking milk. Although this day is called 'champion lamb day', all the lambs shown are actually the best and every owner who took part in the collective competition was proud."



  • The Union of Roma in yesterday's presidential elections - first round, arbitrarily won at least 1200 votes
  • OO SDSM - Shuto Orizari in yesterday's presidential elections - first round, arbitrarily won less than 700 votes
  • In yesterday's presidential elections - first round, SRM arbitrarily won about 400 votes
  • OK VMRO-DPMNE – Shuto Orizari together with DSR, DPR, OPER and ROM, in yesterday's presidential elections – first round, won 1853 votes. At this point, I have not been able to determine how much they weigh.

How did I weigh them on the scale?

  • For the Council of the Municipality of Shuto Orizari in 2021, the Roma Union (at that time still unregistered, but represented by the same candidates, current party representatives) won 1678 votes, DUI won 1464 and AA in coalition with Alternativa won 667 votes. By summing up their joint votes, since they are now acting in a Coalition (without Alternative), for the Council of the Municipality of Shuto Orizari in 2021 these political parties won a total of 3809 votes or in an arbitrary percentage share, the Roma Union 45%, DUI 38% and AA and Alternative 17%. Hence, based on this percentage share from 2021, the Union of Roma in yesterday's presidential elections – first round, arbitrarily won at least 1200 votes, representing at least 45% of the 2699 votes won.
  • For the Shuto Orizari Municipality Council in 2021, OO SDSM – Shuto Orizari (at that time in Coalition with OPER and PCER) won 1622 votes, and SRM won 956 votes. CDU was not registered at that time and did not participate in those elections. By summing up the joint votes for the Council of the Municipality of Shuto Orizari in 2021, the then parties that participated together, won a total of 2578 votes or in percentage share, OO SDSM - Shuto Orizari less than 63%, and SRM 37%. From the existing data, it is not possible to determine the percentage share of OPER, PCER and CDU. Based on the arbitrary percentage share from 2021, in yesterday's presidential elections - first round, OO SDSM - Shuto Orizari arbitrarily won less than 700 votes (less than 63% of the total 1132), and SRM won less than 400 votes (representing about 37 % of the 1132 votes won). It is expected that the CDU has a certain share in the total votes won. Therefore, I highlight the arbitrarily won votes with the adverb "less".
  • For the Coalition of OK VMRO-DPMNE - Shuto Orizari, DSR, DPR, OPER and ROM, I would not be able to calculate numbers, because all these parties, with the exception of DSR, did not participate independently in the elections for Mayor and Council of the Municipality of Shuto Orizari in 2021. But all these five political parties together won a total of 1853 votes.



The text is taken from the FB profile of the author Silhan Saitov - Master of Public Health: https://www.facebook.com/saitovsilhan


Dr. Dzemile Berat: Kriva Palanka produced the most university-educated Roma in Macedonia

Dr. Dzemile Berat, the first female Roma doctor in Macedonia, retired psychiatrist promoted her autobiographical book "My Dream" in her hometown

"I was lucky to be born, study and develop as a person in Kriva Palanka. If it wasn't for my hometown and my people from Krivopalanka, I wouldn't have reached the success and be where I am today. I had support and help from everyone, from the children, teachers, neighbors and friends, we all grew up together, no distinction was made. The old Krivopalancans were noble and good people," said Dr. Dzemile Berat, the first female Roma doctor in Macedonia, a retired psychiatrist, at the launch of his autobiographical book "My Dream" in his hometown.

The promotion at the Culture Center was attended by many friends, relatives, classmates, acquaintances and fellow citizens with whom Berat shares common memories and moments from her childhood and youth. She wrote the autobiography in which she writes about her bumpy life and professional path, but also about her faith, perseverance and achieved success, in the most difficult period of her life, after the death of her husband Bajram, also a doctor, and she dedicated it to her brother Sebo.

- My dream would have remained just a dream and I would not have achieved it if it were not for the constant help and support of my brother Sebo - Mechka, who believed in me. Of course, I am also very grateful to my mother Ghana, who, although illiterate, knew how to value education and in 1976 allowed me to go to Skopje alone and study at the Faculty of Medicine. Although we had no money, we lived only on the family pension and I was often hungry. I ate potatoes for 10 days because I had no money to buy bread. But I always motivated myself that I had to endure and succeed, and I was also a scholarship recipient of the then Tito Fund - Berat sublimates his life path.

She pointed out that from Kriva Palanka, even though it is a small town, the largest number of university-educated Roma in Macedonia came out. Berat calls her family the vanguard of the Roma intelligentsia, because there are 4 specialist doctors in it, and her son David is a doctor of science.

With "My Dream" she wanted to leave a mark on her roots, family and life, which she says was both sad and happy, but ultimately successful. In it, she talks about the challenges of the war in Croatia, the military conflict in Macedonia, the pandemic, when her life was in danger, as well as the discrimination she faced as a Roma doctor. At the same time, the work also represents a chronology of the life in Krivopalanica in past times.

According to the promoter Maritza Nikolovska, Dr. Dzemile Berat's book is an important contribution to the literary activity and is an example of an individual's commitment to social and humane principles, characteristic of the author.

- It gives a chronological account of our hometown, everything we experienced in childhood, youth, old palanquins, streets, old shops are recognizable. But also the turbulent times, networks, wars that our generation experienced - said Nikolovska.

Link: https://umno.mk/kriva-palanka-dala-najmnogu-fakuyltetski-obrazovani-romi-vo-makedonija/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kriva-palanka-dala-najmnogu-fakuyltetski-obrazovani-romi-vo-makedonija



After two years as prime minister, within a few days Prime Minister Kovacevski will again be among the Roma, but this time with his daughter as a guest at the Roma Ball in Skopje

After 2 years as prime minister, the Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, who before that had never visited the Roma within a few days, is current for the second time with his visits among the Roma. On January 16, he made an official visit to Shuto Orizari, at the signing of the agreement between UNDP and the Municipality of Shuto Orizari for the construction of a Resource Center for returnees and other vulnerable categories of citizens.

Yesterday he was again present at the Aleksandar Palace Hotel, where the Roma Ball organized by the Union for the Roma from Macedonia took place. This time Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski came to the ball accompanied by his daughter. In addition to Kovacevski, the General Secretary of SDSM, Mile Zecevic, the Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration, Aleksandar Bajdevski, and the director of SOZR, Pece Mirchevski, were also present.






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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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