After two years as prime minister, within a few days Prime Minister Kovacevski will again be among the Roma, but this time with his daughter as a guest at the Roma Ball in Skopje

After 2 years as prime minister, the Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, who before that had never visited the Roma within a few days, is current for the second time with his visits among the Roma. On January 16, he made an official visit to Shuto Orizari, at the signing of the agreement between UNDP and the Municipality of Shuto Orizari for the construction of a Resource Center for returnees and other vulnerable categories of citizens.

Yesterday he was again present at the Aleksandar Palace Hotel, where the Roma Ball organized by the Union for the Roma from Macedonia took place. This time Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski came to the ball accompanied by his daughter. In addition to Kovacevski, the General Secretary of SDSM, Mile Zecevic, the Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration, Aleksandar Bajdevski, and the director of SOZR, Pece Mirchevski, were also present.






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