Students and teachers in Shuto Orizari learned about climate change and environmental protection

At least 150 Roma students from primary and secondary schools in Shuto Orizari participated in workshops to improve their health, climate change and environmental protection. Workshops to raise public awareness and to improve students' capacities, knowledge and skills on the connection between climate change, a healthy living environment and improving health were held in the secondary school "Shaip Yusuf" and in the elementary school "Brothers Ramiz and Hamid" and "July 26th".

In this way, according to the Association of Citizens "Romaversitas", the project "For a healthier and more urban life of the Roma" increases the availability of data and facts about the connection of climate change, a healthy environment and the awareness and mobilization of students and teachers for the implementation of practical measures related to climate change.

Also, people who have a successful life story with collecting and selecting waste, shared their story with the residents of Qeramidnica, Shuto Orizari, Kvantashki Pazar, Zlokucani, Topansko Pole and Gjorche Petrov.

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