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Kurto Dudush - Kuco: "I leave it to the citizens of Š. Orizari to decide whether to fight in the next elections for a new mayoral mandate"

The web portal Roma Times continues with its series of exclusive interviews. This time with the current Roma mayor of the only Roma municipality in Europe - Shuto Orizari

Roma Times: Mr. Dudush, your second term as mayor of the municipality of S. Orizari is already running out. Objectively, how satisfied are you with the activities carried out so far in the municipality?

Kurto Dudush: Considering the fact that we are a municipality with the smallest budget in RSM, I think we have achieved a lot. Here I would list activities that are of crucial importance for our municipality to improve the quality of life and improve the environment:

Protection from flooding of the lower part of Shuto Orizari, 5.2 km storm drain, reconstruction of all main roads throughout the settlement, led smart lighting, construction of children's parks, lifting and permanent removal of all landfills in the inner part of our municipality, reconstruction and reconstruction of the two primary schools, a new kindergarten and many other projects.

RT: In your opinion, in which field did you achieve the most, and in which field were expectations not fully met?

KD: Shuto Orizari was a neglected municipality from its establishment until before my appointment, despite the aforementioned numerous activities, there is still a lot to be done, but we do not stop here, we continue at the same pace until all the set goals are met.

RT: What is currently your biggest priority and focus in your work?

KD: We place priority no. 1 on detailed urban plans, the need to bring plans is of crucial importance, a service that we should provide to the citizens, to enable the municipality to expand but also to strengthen the economic development of our municipality by planning of a new commercial industrial zone in which we see potential for future employment, in fact, the potential that we have in our municipality of many young unemployed Roma is also our asset.

RT: How do you evaluate the cooperation with the state (the Government) so far, and does it take enough care of the priorities of the Roma community - with a focus in S. Orizari?

KD: As the only Roma mayor and the only Roma municipality in Europe and beyond, every government, including the current one, should and can help more than what they are practicing at this moment, all the circumstances should be taken into account, the situation in which the Roma community finds itself in us, but also outside our country and to strive to be an example in the region, as with us they have a partner who is ready with a team and projects to enable the realization of all the requests of the European Commission (economic and social rights, housing, education , employment, culture and the position of Roma women).

RT: Do you plan to run for another term as mayor in the municipality of Š. Orizari?

KD: On this question, I would let the citizens have their say, my mandate is until November 2025 and of course if the citizens ask me to do so, it is my obligation to continue with the positive changes for our community and modernization of our municipality.

The only Roma municipality in the world, Šuto Orizari, is celebrating its 27th birthday

September 12 is the day of the municipality of Shuto Orizari. Shuto Orizari began to develop after the catastrophic earthquake of 1963. After the reconstruction of Skopje and its surroundings, the place where today's settlement is located, the predominantly Roma population began to settle. Today, Shuto Orizari is one of the outskirts of today's Skopje. With the gradual shaping of the settlement, the Municipality of Shuto Orizari is beginning to take on the appearance of an urbanized suburban neighborhood. Over time, Shuto Orizari acquired its own administrative and cultural institutions. In 1996, Shuto Orizari, together with the village of Gorno Orizari, formed an independent administrative unit, the municipality of Shuto Orizari.

May it be celebrated for many years to come.

In KPU "Idrizovo" another case of beaten Roma prisoner

According to the announcement on social networks by the FB profile "Info-Roma", it is said that in the prison "Idrizovo" in Skopje, threats to the prisoners of Roma nationality continue.

According to the announcement, it is said that they are being blackmailed and extorted in the amount of 1000 euros per month, just to avoid being beaten and abused.

It is not stated by whom the blackmail was done, but only highlighted with the word "Vultures"

Following this unconfirmed information, the MP Ljatifa Šikovska also reacted, who asked the Acting Director of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions: Jovica Stojanović, to review this situation and conduct surveillance, in order to later inform her what really happened in the prison in Idrizovo.

This attack is not isolated and unique, but also in the past there have been frequent threats and physical attacks on Roma prisoners by officials and other prisoners

Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=301317669090869&set=a.181102334445737

Skopje remembers: Exactly 60 years ago, the city was hit by a devastating earthquake

On this day - July 26, 1963, the people of Skopje woke up to the greatest natural disaster that befell the city. At 5:17 a.m., the ground beneath Skopje shook with a magnitude of 6.1 on the Richter scale.

The earthquake left behind ruins, claimed 1,070 lives, and injured around 3,000 people. Over 200,000 residents were left homeless. But it also turned Skopje into a city of solidarity – humanitarian aid for the reconstruction of the city arrived from all sides.

And the United Nations took actions to plan and long-term to help the devastated city. On September 23, 1963, 35 countries asked the General Assembly to put on the agenda of its session an item for taking measures on the occasion of the earthquake in Skopje. Later, on September 27, the General Assembly gave priority to the international action to provide aid to Skopje.

On October 14, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously adopted a Resolution to provide assistance to the Yugoslav government in the reconstruction of Skopje, expressing regret for the great disaster. In the debate on providing aid to Skopje, the General Assembly listened to the presentation of representatives from over 20 countries from all continents. That day remained in the annals of the United Nations as the day of Skopje.

Today, the 60th anniversary of the earthquake in the capital will be marked with a series of activities in several locations throughout Skopje, and below we highlight some photos from July 26, 1963.

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