Šutka NEWS

Let's help Sibel Omerova from Shtip, North Macedonia in her fight against cancer

Due to cancer, let's show our human aspect and help Sibel Omerova from Shtip, who needs two more surgical interventions and then she will undergo chemotherapy treatment. All that treatment will take place in a hospital in Turkey and 60,000 euros are needed.

 Sibel is only 29 years old. All those who want to invest financially, this is her personal foreign exchange account

IBAN: MK07300307064296330


Kmercijalna Banka AD Skpje

Let's show our humanity

Marketing trick or..? He went in to shop at Jumbo and refuses to leave the store

One customer at Jumbo these days leaves the rest of the customers in the store in disbelief. A young man entered Jumbo a few days ago with the intention of shopping, but since then he has not come out and refuses to leave the store. Much to the surprise of the employees and other customers, he performs his daily activities in the store, relaxes and enjoys the atmosphere to the fullest.

Our team went to Jumbo to personally verify the accuracy of the information. Inside we found the customer reluctant to leave who seemed very happy to be there and enjoying the surroundings. He didn't want us to interrupt his enjoyment and ignored our requests for a statement as he slowly indulged in his midday nap.

We contacted Jumbo employees to explain the situation and what they plan to do to get the customer to leave.

- This customer came to Jumbo almost a week ago and asked us to show him products for summer. But he kept looking at them one by one and was incredibly happy because of the large selection of products. When it was closing time, we politely informed him that the store was closing and he had to leave, but he ignored our request. We had to close the shop and he stayed inside. The next day it was here again, and the day after that, and so for several days. He persistently refuses to leave, but we don't mind because we want all our customers to feel at home - Jumbo employees told us.

In the next period, our team will continue to monitor the situation with the customer who does not want to leave Jumbo.


Link: https://www.crnobelo.com/novosti/promo/109418-vlegol-da-kupuva-vo-jumbo-i-odbiva-da-ja-napushti-prodavnicata-foto?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3SfoVdvfMZu8KpuWnDmBkMPd8a52B_fzKJktL-fDb5Dj8tmwcscfCle5w_aem_ARUiw89_SIAdRA0eCxfAV4J-XfBB8NqL68f1Fw-s9c1_SuwbbOHWckfese9JlFq4tIs7cszsd5W7Fo-wpLA9RL4Z

The citizens of Sh. Orizari are not satisfied with the city transport: we pay monthly tickets for nothing when there are no regular buses, a shame for JSP and private buses!

For the residents of Shuto Orizari, there have been no buses for several days. They are not directly connected to the city center, and their only salvation is suburban lines or not legal taxi drivers who take them somewhere, and then catch another bus.

The bus stops are empty, and where we found citizens, they either catch a shadow or wait for a bus for hours.

To get to the city center, the residents of Shuto Orizari need all logistics or good walking fitness.

The number 19 and 20 buses are gone, the suburban ones are irregular and the timetable of the JSP is a chaos in itself, criticize the residents of the settlement.

The problem is huge, due to unpaid debts from the City of Skopje to private carriers. We take out monthly passes for nothing when we have to walk or pay for taxis, shame!

These are just some of the reactions of the citizens of Sh. Orizari on social networks. Citizens ask, complain, react, but no one killed them. The only announcements that come from JSP are related to the notification that on a holiday they will drive according to the weekly schedule, while they remain silent about all other problems of the citizens. Their salaries are all low, they don't have drivers, they don't have oil, but we go to work when we are late. A great shame for JSP and the private bus companies headed by the city of Skopje - commented the citizens.

Tick season - What you must know if you think you have been bitten by an infected tick?!

The risk of being bitten by a tick and developing Lyme disease depends on many factors such as: geographic location, season, type of tick, and how long the tick has been attached to the skin.

Because the tick that transmits Lyme disease usually feeds more than 36 hours before transmitting the spirochete, the risk of contracting Lyme disease from an observed tick bite, for example, is only 1 to 3 percent, even in areas where the disease is present . However, the risk is significantly higher if the tick has been feeding for 72 hours.

  The correct way to remove a tick is to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Then gently pull it back, being careful not to damage the tick. If some parts of the tick remain in the skin, they will be removed by themselves.

If a person is bitten by a type of tick that carries Lyme disease, one of two approaches is recommended:

- Prevention and treatment if signs or symptoms of infection occur

  - Treat immediately with a preventive antibiotic.

If a person who is afraid of contracting Lyme disease consults a doctor, the doctor assesses whether preventive antibiotic treatment is necessary

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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