In KPU "Idrizovo" another case of beaten Roma prisoner

According to the announcement on social networks by the FB profile "Info-Roma", it is said that in the prison "Idrizovo" in Skopje, threats to the prisoners of Roma nationality continue.

According to the announcement, it is said that they are being blackmailed and extorted in the amount of 1000 euros per month, just to avoid being beaten and abused.

It is not stated by whom the blackmail was done, but only highlighted with the word "Vultures"

Following this unconfirmed information, the MP Ljatifa Šikovska also reacted, who asked the Acting Director of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions: Jovica Stojanović, to review this situation and conduct surveillance, in order to later inform her what really happened in the prison in Idrizovo.

This attack is not isolated and unique, but also in the past there have been frequent threats and physical attacks on Roma prisoners by officials and other prisoners


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