Kurto Dudush and Ismail Demir struck a deal - a court reprimand
Kurto Dudush, the mayor of the municipality of Shuto Orizari today, from Judge Djoko Ristov of the Criminal Court, "earned" a court reprimand on the private lawsuit filed by prosecutor Demir Ismail.
He was charged with inflicting bodily harm. Ismail stated in the lawsuit that last year a Roma ball held at Alexander Palace was hit by Dudush.
Ishmael thought the reason for the attack was that his organization donated food and clothing to residents of the municipality, but Dudush disliked it and tried to stop it.
Today the whole process began and ended in almost twenty minutes. Before the main trial, the defendant and the plaintiff, together with their lawyers, agreed that the defendant should admit the offense and thus complete the trial.
Defendant Shuto Orizari Mayor in his defense before the trial chamber said the event had taken place in an impasse.
- I officially apologize to him. If I could turn back time, this would not have happened - said defendant Dudush briefly and clearly.
Miki Vujic, Dudus' lawyer, said he was glad that such an event was resolved in a civilized and culturally appropriate manner.
The damaged Ismail again stated that he would file a civil suit for damages against Dudush and donate the money he received to orphans.
After the two parties in the expedited procedure gave their opinion on the lawsuit, Judge Ristov had nothing left but to issue a court reprimand to the defendant.