
A public call for participation in community-based work has opened in Berovo

This year, eligible unemployed persons, Roma and beneficiaries of guaranteed minimum assistance and persons with disabilities are eligible to participate in the program "From Action to Equal Opportunities."

Interested parties can apply at the Employment Agency-Employment Center Berovo by August 30 this year at the latest, informs Djoko Peovski, the program coordinator.

- The job positions covered by this announcement are about hiring patron / mobile carers, carers with special needs, educational assistant, school animator, music associate and guerrero host. Priority for participation in this cycle of Municipal Beneficial Work will be given to persons who first appear for participation in this program, informed Peovski.

To participate in the program, the candidates who will be selected, he adds, will be paid a remuneration of 9.000 denars per month, including personal income tax and disability insurance and bodily injury caused by work injury and occupational disease.

Unemployed persons who are beneficiaries of social assistance during their working engagement will be actively entitled to receive social assistance.

Which is the most valuable passport?

The best pass is the Japanese passport where you can travel without visa in 190 countries. It is followed by Singapore and South Korea with 189 countries.
Third place is shared by France and Germany with 188 countries, followed by Denmark, Finland, Italy and Sweden with 187 countries.

By the tenth place, there are over 20 countries most of the European Union plus Norway, the United States, Australia, Iceland and New Zealand.

From the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Slovenian passport is ranked 11th, where it can travel to 180 countries without a visa. Then Croatia in 20th place with 168 countries to travel without a visa, Serbia is 40th where can travel to 129 countries without a visa, Macedonia to 43th place with 125 countries, Montenegro in 123 countries, BiH in 118 countries. Kosovo is ranked 94th with the possibility to travel without a visa in 44 countries.

At the last 104th place are Afghanistan and Iraq which can travel without visa in 30 countries.

EU continue to violate Roma rights

The basic rights of Roma continue to systematically violate the EU. There are serious problems with access to education, housing, labor market and health care.
Roma should be better represented in the media, state institutions and political authorities, insisted by the European Parliament.

In response to ongoing violations of basic Roma rights, Parliament is demanding stronger measures to combat the anti-Roma sentiment in the EU.
Anthromatic moods are an institutionalized and rooted form of racism in the past history, which is expressed in "Violence, Hate Speech, Exploitation, Stigmatization and Discrimination", MEPs say to declaration.

The text emphasizes the particularly difficult situation of the young Roma, among which the number of those who are not covered, are not trained or trained.
There is also a need for more equitable representation of Roma in all spheres, including the media, state institutions and political organs.

The EU Structural Funds should be used to improve the living conditions and future capabilities of the Roma, MPs say. They urge member states to study current and past abuses with the respective funds and take legal action against offenders.


Do you have a first grader? We have calculated how much the beginning of the school year will cost you

Children born in 2013 will be in first grade on September 1. In previous years the number of first graders was just over 20,000, but this year in many municipalities the number of enrolled children is lower than expected.

There are still ten days until the start of the new school year, and the crowds at bookstores and shops have already begun.

On September 1, the first graders are most pleased, as well as their parents, who will be welcoming the school year with a significantly empty family budget.

To prepare a first grader, parents need to spend around 8,000 denars.
While older students need more.

It is a concession for parents not to buy books, as the Ministry of Education and Science has been providing free books to all students for several years.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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