A public call for participation in community-based work has opened in Berovo

This year, eligible unemployed persons, Roma and beneficiaries of guaranteed minimum assistance and persons with disabilities are eligible to participate in the program "From Action to Equal Opportunities."

Interested parties can apply at the Employment Agency-Employment Center Berovo by August 30 this year at the latest, informs Djoko Peovski, the program coordinator.

- The job positions covered by this announcement are about hiring patron / mobile carers, carers with special needs, educational assistant, school animator, music associate and guerrero host. Priority for participation in this cycle of Municipal Beneficial Work will be given to persons who first appear for participation in this program, informed Peovski.

To participate in the program, the candidates who will be selected, he adds, will be paid a remuneration of 9.000 denars per month, including personal income tax and disability insurance and bodily injury caused by work injury and occupational disease.

Unemployed persons who are beneficiaries of social assistance during their working engagement will be actively entitled to receive social assistance.

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