Which is the most valuable passport?

The best pass is the Japanese passport where you can travel without visa in 190 countries. It is followed by Singapore and South Korea with 189 countries.
Third place is shared by France and Germany with 188 countries, followed by Denmark, Finland, Italy and Sweden with 187 countries.

By the tenth place, there are over 20 countries most of the European Union plus Norway, the United States, Australia, Iceland and New Zealand.

From the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Slovenian passport is ranked 11th, where it can travel to 180 countries without a visa. Then Croatia in 20th place with 168 countries to travel without a visa, Serbia is 40th where can travel to 129 countries without a visa, Macedonia to 43th place with 125 countries, Montenegro in 123 countries, BiH in 118 countries. Kosovo is ranked 94th with the possibility to travel without a visa in 44 countries.

At the last 104th place are Afghanistan and Iraq which can travel without visa in 30 countries.

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