The first Roma arrived in Croatia in the 14th century

Now that 1000 years of Roma migration is celebrated, the interest in their history is even greater. In the course of these thousand years, they have managed to maintain their identity, language, culture and customs despite the great turbulence during their existence.

According to Croatian information, the Roma on the territory of Croatia arrived in the 14th century. Otherwise, the Roma community in Croatia is not homogeneous: they speak different languages ​​and have different religious affiliations. The historical beginnings of the Roma in Croatia are with modest information.

According to historical linguistic sources, it can be concluded that Roma originate from northwestern India (Dardystan, Cafiristan). According to the mentioned research, the Roma on the territory of Croatia are mentioned for the first time in Dubrovnik in 1362 in the trade lists, and therefore it is believed dealt with trade.

Then "The Egyptians Vlaho and Vitan gave the goldsmith Radan Bratoslavovic eight large silver belts. The fact that it is a commercial correspondence can be assumed that the Roma during that period lived in Dubrovnik.

Ten years later, they are again mentioned in Zagreb, where they are merchants, tailors and butchers. Historian Ivan Baptist Tkalcic (1840-1905). in the "Historical Monument of the Free Royal City of Zagreb" from 1885, as part of the largest Roma group coming from the 10th to 15th centuries, move to Central Europe through Asia Minor and Southeast Europe.


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