
26 billionaires in the world are worth as much as half of the poorest

Oxfam has made an interesting study that showed that in 2018, the richest 26 people in the world have a fortune equal to half of the poorest people in the world.

Accordingly, we can conclude that the world's billionaires are increasing their wealth, while poverty on the other side is also increasing.

The main goal of this organization is to make the authorities increase taxes on those rich companies and reduce tax evasion.

It's about a really interesting study that aims to change global politics around the world when it comes to taxes.

According to many experts in the field, many wealthy companies and corporations do not pay enough tax, as much as they really should, and many poor people have a lot of costs.

Marketers protested against the Green Market Act

Marketers from Green Market turned out to protest in front of the Parliament. They are revolted because of the new Law on Green Markets, which came into force since the start of 2019 and requires, among other things, to provide work licenses.

In many markets there are locks, and fences are lined up with a protest notice.
Also, marketers blocked "Krste Misirkov" boulevard at Bit-market, so the traffic is interrupted.
Under the new law, pensioners, employees, or people who earn some fees, will not be able to work. Licenses will be issued by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
The license for the stalls costs 3,600 denars, and for the second stall, the sellers have to pay an additional 2,400 denars.


Kote si o prosek makedonikani neto plata an i Europa?

Aso havljarde informacie i majuči neto plata an i Europa dela pe an i : Švajcaria (4.370 eura), Island (3.568), Norveška (3.309) Danska (3.270 eura). 

Makedonikani prosek neto plata persi berš sine 390 eura thaj si ko teluno kotor tari tabela taro eruopakere thema.

Potikne neto masekoskere prosek plate isi salde an i Albania, Kosovo, Moldavia thaj nekobor aver thema.

Aso havljarde informavir majuče neto plate an i Europa si an i: Švajcaria (4.370 eura),Island (3.568), Norveška (3.309) so nane membria an i Europakiri Unia .

Aso o pervazia tari Unia majuči prosek neto plata si an i Danska (3.270 eura), palo odova avela o Luksemburg (3.159 eura) thaj Švedska (2.570 eura).

MK Govermento: 450 Romane čhave bizi participacia ka džan an i gradinka

O Govermento dikhlja thaj dengja propozalo i " Informacia baši inkluzia e čhavenge Roma an i anglosikljojbaskiri edukacia “.

– O Govermento dengja propozalo e dizjakere šerutnenge an o komune so si akceptirime akale informacijaja te akharen o Konsilo e Komunakoro te dikhen o šajdipa te šaj ma te pukjinen i participacia 450 Romane čhave so si ko baripa taro 3 dži ko 6 berša so ka oven ko gradinke taro 01.12.2018 dži ko 31.12.2019, tergjola an i informacia.


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