
Romany Salvador Dali - Durmish Kazim with another exhibition in Belgium!

The most active Roma artist Durmish Kazim, who lives and works in Belgium, will once again present all his artistic creativity and talent.

From 5 to 7 April this year in Brussels - Rue Brogniez 96-100 Anderlecht will exhibit his latest twenty works of art in various techniques such as dry pastel on paper, oil on canvas, sculptures and the latest work oil on wood.

He is allowed to participate in this exhibition by a group of artists in their gallery named "Le Laboratoire", where three other famous Belgian artists are participating, and is made available by Mr. Marcelo, who was previously delighted the opus of Durmish Kazim as a Roma painter.

Otherwise, this exhibition is titled "Lost in Colours." According to the announcements already in June, the Romany Salvador Dali is already expecting a follow-up exhibition

In the Cinematheque of Macedonia: On a bicycle projection for free entry and tracking of the program "Golden Wheel 2019"

The Cinematheque of Macedonia starts an action to raise the ecological awareness, therefore from April 1 every lover of the movie that will come to the bicycle projection will receive a free ticket for the movie projections for that day. The action lasts until the end of April.

And within the month of April, at the Cinematheque, film lovers will be able to see European achievements, then films as part of the International Roma Film Festival "Golden Wheel", the Children's Film and Film Festival - Buff, part of the films of the Skopje Film Festival , that is, the special program with the mothers of Meto Jovanovski, as well as the films by the directors Buñuel, Saura and Berlanga.

"Golden Wheel" turns 17th time

As in the past years, so this 2019, exactly on the eve of the International Roma Day, April 8, SP BTR Productions announces the 17th edition of the International Roma Film Festival "Golden Wheel 2019"

In fact, the activities for this year's edition have already begun with organized workshops for the production of one-minute videos, where the mentors run out young Roma children from 10 to 15 years old how to develop a one-minute vision. The most successful will be screened and rewarded by the organizational board of the festival.

Otherwise, the official program of screening films that will take part in this year's festival will be on 3 and 4 April in the Cinematheque of Macedonia.
This year for prizes is included in the selection of about 40 films selected 18 films.

On April 4, at 7 pm, the award ceremony will be held for the most successful and at the same time the closing ceremony of this festival.

Otherwise, this festival, like in the past years, has been financially supported by the Film Fund Festival of the Republic of North Macedonia.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth and 30 years since the death of Slobodan Berberski

Slobodan Berberski is a renowned Roma poet and one of the initiators of the Yugoslavian Roma to be named with the noun Rom. This action began in 1967. He was also the first president elected to the First World Congress of the Roma - the Sunday IRU that took place on April 8, 1971 in London.

Otherwise, Slobodan Berberski was born on October 20, 1919 in Zrenjanin, where he completed primary and secondary education. He started studying Law, but as a member of SKOY he was arrested in 1941.

(1950), Spring and Eyes - Proleće i oči (1952), Zema - Uze (1955), The Storm -Nevreme (1959), The Diary of the War - Dnevnik rata, (1959), Mild Day -Blag dan (1964), Where-Kote (1968), The Departure of Brother Jakala-Odlazak brata Jakala (1976), As craving deer -Kao beskožni jeleni (1977), Still dreaming to finish - More dream of himself to complete (1979), Borders-Mead (1982), Everyday -Svakodnevnica (1983), Unwanted waters - Vode nečekane (1984), Dub -Dub (1986).

Berber constantly interacted with these days by telling not only himself, but also the world, the people in everyday life, the grief and joy, the smiles and tears and in general the man.

His poetry has been translated into Roma, French, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, Albanian and Slavic.

Today, and one street in Belgrade bears his name. He died in 1989 in Belgrade.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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