"Golden Wheel" turns 17th time

As in the past years, so this 2019, exactly on the eve of the International Roma Day, April 8, SP BTR Productions announces the 17th edition of the International Roma Film Festival "Golden Wheel 2019"

In fact, the activities for this year's edition have already begun with organized workshops for the production of one-minute videos, where the mentors run out young Roma children from 10 to 15 years old how to develop a one-minute vision. The most successful will be screened and rewarded by the organizational board of the festival.

Otherwise, the official program of screening films that will take part in this year's festival will be on 3 and 4 April in the Cinematheque of Macedonia.
This year for prizes is included in the selection of about 40 films selected 18 films.

On April 4, at 7 pm, the award ceremony will be held for the most successful and at the same time the closing ceremony of this festival.

Otherwise, this festival, like in the past years, has been financially supported by the Film Fund Festival of the Republic of North Macedonia.

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