
Organizer of 8 July protest by Romani people in Brussels is corrected by incoming MEP - "I've never spoken with him"

Štefan Pongo, a truck driver who dedicates his free time to civic activism and is currently establishing an organization called the Czechoslovak Romani Union, was a guest on ROMEA TV's "Interview" program, moderated by Patrik Banga. The Czechoslovak Romani Union is meant to be active in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Charter of the Romani People, which the association has issued, draws attention to the need for more Romani representation in public office. The interview with Banga, in Czech, was first broadcast on 28 June.

On 29 June, incoming MEP Peter Pollák, who is a Romani community member from Slovakia, contacted news server and ROMEA TV to respond to Pongo's allegation that the two men had spoken on the telephone and have been preparing to do a live broadcast together. Pollák said that claim is not true.

"I have never spoken with Mr Pongo, neither by telephone nor in person. We have not ever planned any live broadcasts together. He could not even have spoken with an assistant of mine, because I currently do not have an assistant and I will not assume the mandate of Member of the European Parliament until 2 July 2019.

I am planning to meet with MEP Tomáš Zdechovský. I'm sorry to say that the organizer of this protest, Štefan Pongo, whom I do not know, is disseminating fabricated allegations about my person," Pollák said in a statement sent to news server



Here are some interesting names for the Roma that they named themselves

In addition to the generally known name Rom / s, they themselves have given more names to each other to differentiate themselves. Most of them are given according to the trades they have dealt with in the past.

Here are some of them in various countries around the world: Gurbetçi - Iceland, Arlije - Yerli - Oder - Shelter.

Craftsmen for the production of silver in Romania are named as Argintari, while the Aurari gold launderers, and the Limaras in Romania are named as Kostorari.

For manufacturers of copper products, such as dishes, cauldron and the like in different countries, they have different names. Among them are the following: Gabori, Kalderaši, Tamari (Kovaci).

And at the same time common names of Roma who are named among themselves are - Bajaš, Lovari, Sitari, Ursari, Ashkalii, Čivutari, Djambasi, Jeniše, Kale, Manush, Domari, Luli, Kirpač, Lautari, Lingurari and others.

Angela Hamidi from Albania is Miss International Roma Beauty 2019

In the beautiful summer setting of the Hotel Continental in the weekend that has passed, traditionally for the 27th time SP BTR Productions was the organizer of the spectacle for Roma beauty.

In the beautiful and summer atmosphere, besides the beauty, there was a cultural musical illustration with well-known Roma music artists, as well as a special guest from Russia Elena Lazarenko who with his performances thrilled the audience.

In Missing this year, the titles took them: Miss International Roma Beauty was named Angela Hamidi from Albania. The first accompanying woman was Antonella Mukharemovic from Macedonia, second Indira Hamid the same from Macedonia, Miss photogenicity was carried by Ismail Nerhuzza from our country, Miss charming Melanija Toskic from Serbia and Miss Decad was selected Izabela Selimovic from Serbia.

Pivara Skopje, Tikves, Kavadarci, Pharmacies Zegin and the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in R.Neverern Macedonia appeared as supporters of this cultural event.
The program was hosted by Daniel Petrovski.

Romani Design - Forms of Roma tradition expressed in authentic way

The recognizable elements of traditional Romani clothes in combination with modern design and textiles are the main features of the wardrobe and fashion accessories of the Romani Design brand.

They presented their collections in parts of the world, such as the fashion days of Marie Claire in Paris, a fashion show in New Delhi, organized by MFA Hungary, India at the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai - India, and others places.

Thus, with its specific cultural expression, they promoted Romani culture as part of the diversity of the cultural wealth of Hungary.

The fashion studio Romani Design was founded in 2009 with the desire to break down the stereotypes towards the Roma and to introduce the audience to the aesthetic roots of the Roma community through the fashionable interpretation of Roma folklore.


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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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