Romany Salvador Dali - Durmish Kazim with another exhibition in Belgium!

The most active Roma artist Durmish Kazim, who lives and works in Belgium, will once again present all his artistic creativity and talent.

From 5 to 7 April this year in Brussels - Rue Brogniez 96-100 Anderlecht will exhibit his latest twenty works of art in various techniques such as dry pastel on paper, oil on canvas, sculptures and the latest work oil on wood.

He is allowed to participate in this exhibition by a group of artists in their gallery named "Le Laboratoire", where three other famous Belgian artists are participating, and is made available by Mr. Marcelo, who was previously delighted the opus of Durmish Kazim as a Roma painter.

Otherwise, this exhibition is titled "Lost in Colours." According to the announcements already in June, the Romany Salvador Dali is already expecting a follow-up exhibition

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