
In Memoriam: Muli I pendžarutni romani poetesa thaj žurnalisto Sali Ibrahim

Palo tikno nasvalipe ko 6 januari 2022 berš muli I pendjrutni romani poetesa thaj žurnalisti Sali Ibrahim. I Sali Ibrahim  khelgja importantno rolja ki konsolidacia e romane kulturake ki Bugaria. O parunipa ikergja pe ko Centralno limoria ki Sofia.

I Sali Ibrahim – Snežana Ivanova si bijami ko 23 maj 1950 berš.

Oj sine šerutni specijalisti ko ofisi kulturakere aktivitetenge em programe ki komuna Mitropolit. Oj sine membri ki Unija taro bugariakere hramutne pisatelia.

Oj fundiringja o Nacionalno konsili e jekhinake 2Elt 0 Centro” romane kulturake 2002 berš.

Dr Koljo reslja o phursako “Bari čeren e makedonikane filmeske”

Ko pervazia taro ikeriba o 42. Internacionalno festivali filmsko kamera “Brakja Manaki” ki Bitola (16-21 septemvri) ki press konferencia o direktori e festivaleskoro o Simeon Moni Damevski vakergja kaj maškar akaleberšeskere laureata si thaj o akteri Bajram Secerdžan - Dr Koljo so bašo manuša si endžarde prekal o filmia “ Vrna mačka bel mačor” thaj Na mlečnom putu” taro Emir Kusturica, „Treto poluvreme” Darko Mitrevski, “Džips Medžik” thaj “Do Balčak” taro Stole Popov thaj aver.

Ov reslja o phursako Bari čeren e makedonksko filmi, phursako so dela le o Drtvo taro filmsko profesionalcia (DFRM).

Ki Srbija ikergja pe filmsko festivali “FROM”, akcentea ko romane teme

O jubilarno 5-to film festivali “FRIM” so ikergja pe ki Srbija Mali Idžoši sine taro 27 dži ko 29 avgusti akava berš. O festivali kerel afirmacia e kulturake ko romano minjoriteti thaj o filmejkeria ki forma “tikno filmi” thaj prekal o propozalia ola khuvena ko oficialno konkurenca bašo phursako “ I situacia ko arti”. O teme sine kheldo , dokumentarno thaj animirano filmia akcentea romani jekhin, pharo socialno status, tuikneberšengere prandina thaj kulturakere diferencie so šaj nakhaven pe ko diferentno forme, Trujal o teme konektirime e Romencar akava berp sine em o živdipe em dileme ko vakti tar i pandemija e Covid 19 . Odoleske akaleberšeskoro festivali sine anavkerdo em sar “Sajbija”


A Roma pursuing her Indian connection

Hungarian Roma singer and dancer Gina Rubik reached the city in the middle of the recently concluded International Film Festival of Kerala.

An actor and short film-maker, she wanted to catch up on as many movies as she could.

Once she returns to the north of the country, she wants to go back to exploring as much as possible her ‘connection’ with India, even as she pursues her passion for acting and dance.

Gina who performed at Manaveeyam Veedhi on Sunday was born in Budapest to a mathematician mother and physicist father who has worked with Stephen Hawking.



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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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