
Charles Faa Blythe – the last king of Scotland’s Romanes

On Whit Monday, 30 May 1898, some 10,000 people gathered in the Borders village of Kirk Yetholm for the coronation of Scotland’s Romanes King.

It was a huge number of people for the time and the elaborate ceremony, attended by lords and ladies, was reported in newspapers across Britain. But who were the Romanes Kings of Scotland and where are they now?

Despite the size of the congregation and the pomp surrounding the coronation, the Romanes Kings of Scotland have passed out of living memory – or perhaps these mysterious people have decided to retreat once more into their own ways and refuse to tell the gorgies (the Romany word for non-gypsies) the truth about the current Romanes King.

Romanes were first recorded in Scotland in 1492, the same year that Columbus landed in the West Indies, in the reign of James IV. The word ‘gypsy’ is derived from ‘Egyptian’, but the people themselves are more likely to have been nomadic Roma from northern India. Indeed, by 1492 they had already been travelling in Europe for hundreds of years and were an accepted part of society.

One gypsy in particular found favour with King James V. In 1539 the Stuart monarch granted John Faa the right to call himself King of the Romanes. Historical records show that there was a writ of the Privy Council recognising the right of a ‘John Faw’, the ‘Lord of Litill Egypt’ to rule and enforce laws over his ‘people’. There was another writ, dated February 1540, also signed by James V, which records the granting of protection to ‘our lovit Johnnie Faa, Lord and Erle of Littil Egipt’.


In Tokyo, Japan, the Roma language, culture, tradition, origin and history were promoted through the documentary of SP BTR "Sky, Wheel, Earth"

In front of a hundred interested Japanese people on August 11 in Tokyo

Athenée Français Cultural Center presented and showed a documentary film about the origin, history, tradition and language of the Roma, which is a product of SP BTR Production. The event was organized by the IRU delegate from Japan and Roma activist Sumi Yusuke.

On that occasion, before the screening of the film, the producer of that film and also the president of the IRU, Zoran Dimov, gave his welcome speech to the audience and his video address.

After the end of the projection, Sumi Yusuke had his own presentation and acquaintance with part of the Roma culture, tradition, history and language of the present guests.

The general impression was that the attendees were impressed by the Roma culture and tradition, which for many of them was their first acquaintance with the Roma.

As it was mentioned by the organizer Yusuke, this type of presentation will grow into a tradition in the future, and such events related to Roma will be organized in this distant country from the Far East – Japan.

Prices have not risen in 500 years. German neighborhood where the rent costs 0.88 euros per year!

The prices of apartments and houses in the metropolises around the world and how they have increased, because of the pandemic and because of the crisis in which the whole world is already deeply involved.

The madness with real estate prices is also felt in many European capitals. Anyone who has looked for an apartment in Berlin, Dublin, Paris and other big cities knows how difficult it is.

However, there are also different examples. Although they sound like part of the "believe it or not" column, they are a reality. It is about the idyllic German settlement of Fugueray, where the price of renting an apartment has not changed since the 16th century and is 88 cents a year.

The dream neighborhood is located in the Bavarian city of Augsburg. It is also one of the oldest cities in Germany, as evidenced by its name: namely, it was founded by order of the Roman Emperor Augustus as a military camp. Even then, about 10,000 people lived here, and later it became one of the largest cities of the Holy Roman Empire.




Kostadinovska-Stojchevska: To distinguish between Roma and Gypsies, the Roma are a people inscribed in the Constitution

As informed by the Ministry of Culture, Kostadinovska-Stojchevska emphasized that although Macedonia is a small country in terms of territory, it is home to numerous ethnic communities.

"The Roma are a nation that is recognized and inscribed in the Macedonian Constitution, they have their own municipality, their own mayor, their own local self-government, unique in Europe. But it does not mean that prejudices have automatically disappeared. The efforts of the institutions, but even more of the non-governmental sector, were long-lasting, to first of all make a difference between gypsy and Roma, to understand that the first word has offensive symbolism, and that the second is the correct word. Roma as a people," said the Minister of Culture.

She added that highly appreciating the Roma culture and its uniqueness as their inseparable identity mark, the Ministry of Culture, despite several weaknesses highlighted in the National Action Plan for Culture, is a strong ally and supporter of the implementation of the Roma Inclusion Strategy 2022 – 2030.

She emphasized that culture is not omnipotent, but it is a strong message and therefore, as she said, through national cultural values, we should enrich the colorfulness of the identity map of Europe and, with mutual respect, create a common cultural space, comfortable for everyone.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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