
Bregović: Ka avel o momenti kana i Europa ka prependžarel kobor o Roma kergje amare kulturake

Akaleberšeskoro Gran Prix ko Nišvil o phursako “Šaban Bajramović” lelja o Goran Bregović, muzičari em tekstopisci . O Goran anglal i niško publika anglal o koncerti vakergja kaj o amalipa e Šabanea sine le deceniencar.

-O Šabani sine raritetno sar vokali. Sine le baritoni so rošarel sine em sine sar Frenk Sinatra. . Maškar amaere autoria o Šabani sine majimportantno. Amari muzika sar me so džanava sine provincijalskoa sar orginalno em autentično i muzika kerhje la o Roma, Kana ka čhiven e Šabane sar majbari figura odole muzikake oj rošarela, Ka avel o momenti kana i Europa ka prependžarel kobor o Roma kergje amare kulturake- vakergja o Bregović.



Actor Danco Chevrevski, a close associate and one of the directors of the Roma Film Festival “Golden Wheel” has died

Macedonian theater and film actor and producer Dancho Chevrevski died yesterday in Skopje at the age of 69.

Chevrevski was born on May 17, 1951 in Skopje. He graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje at the Department of Dramatic Actors. and specialized at UCLA in Los Angeles.

He is one of the founders of the private film production company TIRANGL, and worked as a professor at the FDA in Skopje and was dean of the Faculty.

He starred in several Yugoslav and Macedonian films, including "The Longest Road", "Red Horse", "Hi-Fi", "Trieste via Skopje", "Tattooing", "Jeep Magic", "Punk is not dead", "This is not an American movie "," Children of the Sun "…

He has won several awards during his prolific career, and last year at the 14th edition of the Asterfest International Film Festival, he was awarded the Aster Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Film. Dancho Chevrevski was also a close associate and several editors and director of the only Roma Film Festival "Golden Wheel" which is organized every year by TV BTR - National and later SP BTR. He made a great contribution to the affirmation of this film festival, and with his huge engagement he gave great quality to the festival contents and programs. That is why SP BTR expresses its respect and condolences to the Chevrevski family.

Romani actors should refuse to perpetuate stereotypes in Czech television programs

I want to make one thing clear from the outset: I am not writing this commentary to criticize Zdeněk Godla or any other Romani actors in the Czech Republic. What I want to discuss is how gadje [non-Romani] directors or screenwriters, in tandem with Romani actors, promote all the (long outdated!) clichés about Romani people that we see here on TV in the Czech Republic.
Imagine, for example, that you're watching a recent public service announcement. We hear Romani csardas music and we see a Romani man walk into a building and up to reception desk, behind which sits what appears to be some kind of hipster nurse.
A Romani man is standing in a hole in the ground in a tracksuit (Adidas, more, of course!). A gadjo man asks him: "Patrik, do you know how to dig?" and the Romani man answers "You're kidding, right? You're asking a black guy if he knows how to dig, right? I was born with a pickaxe in my hand!" and as if that isn't enough, he launches into an intellectual outpouring explaining that "whatever Patrik fucked into the ground with a pickaxe, he didn't fuck into a woman."


According to viewers, "Heaven Wheel Earth" irritates the viewer's sad emotions

The premiere of the documentary "Heaven, Wheel, Earth" is behind us, but the reactions of those who were part of the premiere on August 31 still do not subside.
According to the reactions, as they say, the film conveys the dramatic history of the Roma in a very calm way and in a calm tone, without this usual sadness, which occurs when watching a documentary about people who have suffered. Completely dignified and without attempt to further irritate the sad emotions of the viewer. From a spectator position, an unloading film.
At the same time, according to the other part, the viewer says that the documentary "Heaven, Wheel, Earth" visually presented the scientific explanation of the origin of the Roma. From the aspect of video production, they say that the story was successfully assembled through interesting visual effects as well as materials that were presented for the first time. They recommend the film to the general public in order to get acquainted with the history.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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