
Instead of a museum, the house of Esma and Stevo - Shame! Here is what the interior looks like (Photo)

The house of Esma and Stevo Teodosievski, which after their death was supposed to be a museum of humanity and music - is falling apart. Only bare walls are literally left of the building, and in the interior only some worthless remnants testify that someone lived in it at the time.

Everything that someone thought was valuable was taken away, and to make the irony even greater, the cables were also torn from the walls. Only some old newspapers and photos scattered on the floor stand as silent witnesses to the life of the queen of Romani song Esma.

The key to the house, as it was written at one time, is held by Esma's grandchildren, who contest her will and do not allow Esma and Stevo's wish to be realized and the house to be turned into a museum. But even if that happens, no one knows where all the valuable items from the home have been taken.

It is said that a photo is worth a thousand words, so we bring you exclusive photos of the interior, which are silent witnesses to the disrespect of the image and work of the great Esma and Stevo.






Infamia Polish series in 8 sequels with Roma theme on NETFLIX

The film INFAMIA revolves around a 17-year-old girl who lives trapped between her Roma roots and the pressures of her parents and friends. She aspires to be a hip-hop artist despite her strict parents.

After several years of living in the United Kingdom, a young Roma woman named Gita and her family return to their native Poland. There, Geeta tries to find herself, discover her passion and live the life of a girl her age.

But when he falls in love, he must reconcile the modern teenage world with the family rules imposed by tradition.

Released on August 6, this production runs in 8 45-minute episodes and currently has only one season. The film is directed by Alina Malizhevska, written by Dana Lukasinska, Alina Malizhevska and Julieta Olshevska. The main role is played by the Roma woman Zofia Jastržbska, and the other main roles are played by Sebastian Lach, Magdalena Cervinjska.





Belgrade: The Museum of Roma Culture was robbed, objects and paintings worth several thousand euros were stolen!

Two days ago, the Museum of Roma Culture, located on Roosevelt Street in Belgrade, was robbed. According to the director of the Museum, Dragoljub Ackovic, in a statement to, a large amount of objects of exceptional value were stolen.

- The theft happened a few days ago. Many copper objects and a dozen paintings, which are very valuable, were burned. Among them is an icon of Aunt Bibija. It is an original worth several thousand euros. Other paintings, or rather ten of them, cost at least ten thousand euros. Other artifacts are worth several thousand... The television, sound system and many other items were stolen - Ackovic told

As Ackovic says, the robbers and thieves first tore the cables and then transported everything by car.

- The police went to the field, but the perpetrators are unknown - Ackovic told



Shakir Pashov and the National Roma Movement in Bulgaria

Shakir Pashov (1898-1981), largely forgotten today, was one of the central figures of the Roma movement in Bulgaria. He founded several Roma organizations, a newspaper and a Roma theater. His long-standing political commitment to communism and Roma rights led to persecution and arrest. After the communists came to power in 1944, in 1947 he became the first Roma to be elected to the Bulgarian parliament. A few years later he was slandered and sent to a labor camp. The accusations that led to his conviction later turned out to be lies by envious people in his community. This two-part article is based on a newly published book, centered on a previously unpublished manuscript by Shakir Pashov from 1957: A History of Roma in Bulgaria and Europe: Roma.

Shakir Mahmudov Pashov was born on October 20, 1898 in a neighborhood in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. His parents were Eda and Mahmoud. Although it was not common for Roma children at the time, nine-year-old Shakir really wanted to go to school. After completing the 8th school year, he was supposed to join his father's workshop and get married. However, he wanted to continue his studies and attended the Technical Railway School. After graduation, he married Sabria and was drafted into the army. He was sent to the Macedonian front and became politicized during the war. It is said there that he decided, if he returned alive and well from the war, to write down the history of the Roma as it was passed down through the generations. This manuscript is the fulfillment of that promise. It is not an academic matter. Although he adopted some that were taken from the scientific works of his time, it is mixed with traditional and autobiographical elements.




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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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