
Successful premiere of " First Apples, Then Roses" in Old Bazar at Garavde Muja Festival

As part of the festival activities "Garavde Mujal - Hidden Faces" the Association "Romano Ilo" as a fair audience was offered a premiere of " First Apples, Then Roses", a script comedy by and directed by Daniel Petrovski.
These 40 minute breaks were a real refreshment for the audience who metaphorically presented the picture of the political activity of the Roma in our country. The play was performed at the Children's Theater in the Old Skopje Bazaar
The roles in the play were interpreted by Djemiliana Abdulova, Daniel Petrovski, Sakip Memet, Samson and Ramush Muarem-Cirko

From November 15 to 17, Roma Theater Festival "Garavde Muja"

As part of its activities, the Association "Romano Ilo" from Skopje, in the field of cultural events and affirmation of Roma culture, will organize the event "Roma Garavde Muja" from November 15 to 17 in Skopje.

Roma theaters from Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and the host Republic of Northern Macedonia will take part in the festival.

In addition to the theater performances, as a special guest, the world famous director of the theater "Pralipe" Mr. Rahim Burhan is also announced.

November 5th World day in the Romani language

The Romani language (originally: rromani chib) is the mother tongue of the Roma. It is part of the Indo-language group, more precisely classified either in the central Indo-language or in the northwestern Indo-language. It is also often classified as its own language branch due to the large number of related linguistic variants.

According to ISO standards, the language is grouped into macro languages ​​and consists of seven sub-languages ​​or large dialects. The largest dialect is the Vlach-Khrom with about 1.5 million speakers, followed by the Balkans, the Carpathians, the Synchrom, the Welsh, the Kal-Finnish and the Baltic.

Roma alphabet
The Roma alphabet is a term that encompasses several Latin alphabets used for writing the Roma language and its dialects. The Roma language was not a written language until the 20th century, although the first written document in Roma dates from 1542.
Depending on where the language is spoken, so does the Roma alphabet, and standardized Roma spelling is now in place.

'Sky, Wheel, Land' continues to 'roll' this time around Romania and Bulgaria

SP BTR works and shoots a documentary on Roma history, tradition, culture, language and identity!

The package titled "Sky, Wheel, Land", after the completed Russian stage, was now in Romania and Bulgaria.
Interviews and interviews were conducted with experts in all segments of the Roma issue in these countries.

Romania's renowned and recognized Roma language expert and connoisseur of Roma history, culture and tradition Professor Georghe Sarau, Delia Grigore, Adrian Berbec, Sorin Sandu and others have been recorded.

In Bulgaria there were also interviews with Roma activists who have their own associations. Among them was well-known Roma activists George Bakov.

Previously, Trajko Petrovski, MA, was also filmed in Skopje. A trip to Sweden is planned for December and a remake of that documentary.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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