Successful premiere of " First Apples, Then Roses" in Old Bazar at Garavde Muja Festival

As part of the festival activities "Garavde Mujal - Hidden Faces" the Association "Romano Ilo" as a fair audience was offered a premiere of " First Apples, Then Roses", a script comedy by and directed by Daniel Petrovski.
These 40 minute breaks were a real refreshment for the audience who metaphorically presented the picture of the political activity of the Roma in our country. The play was performed at the Children's Theater in the Old Skopje Bazaar
The roles in the play were interpreted by Djemiliana Abdulova, Daniel Petrovski, Sakip Memet, Samson and Ramush Muarem-Cirko

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FaLang translation system by Faboba

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