
From 01.04. 2024 starts the 22nd edition of the International Roma Film Festival "Golden Wheel 2024"

As every year, the prestigious cultural film manifestation "Golden Wheel" is held this year. This time it is rolling for the 22nd time in the organization of SP BTR.

The festival started its activity in the month of March in collaboration with several elementary schools and organized workshops with the youngest in the direction of love for the art of film, and the realization of one-minute videos, which will be shown during the solemn awarding ceremony for this year's awards for the most successful film creations with Roma themes or by Roma authors.

The award ceremony will be on April 4 at the Frosina Cinema Center starting at 6 p.m., with a rich film music program as well.

Otherwise, 12 films from 9 countries are competing for the awards this year.

The films are on the repertoire of the film program from April 1st to April 4th at the Cinematheque of Macedonia.

And as part of the activities, there will also be a Review of films by SP BTR Production and its associates in the Cinematheque of the Republic of Macedonia

- "Atomic ant" Al SAT Production

- "Firefighter Mutci" – Studio 7

- "Local Heroes – World Talents" SP BTR

- "Life at the Crossroads" - SP BTR

- "Heaven Wheel Earth" - SP BTR

The holy month of Ramadan has begun

Today, the month of Ramadan began for Muslims, in which believers of the Islamic faith around the world fast during the daylight hours. Fasting ends with Eid.

Ramadan is a month of purification of the spirit, mind and body in which Muslims give up food, drink and other bodily pleasures, do not commit immoral acts and avoid anger.

The goal is to come out of Ramadan better, healthier, with sins forgiven. The first day of fasting is on Monday, March 11, and the last on April 9.

Every year, Ramadan starts 10 to 12 days earlier because the Islamic calendar is actually a lunar Hijri calendar where months have 29 or 30 days.

On the occasion of Ramadan, most of the heads of the Islamic religious community sent a message to the believers, indicating that by fasting the believer in practice confirms the connection with his Creator, raises awareness of goodness, peace, solidarity, care for man and reforms his personality, preparing him to always be at the service of good.

Actress - naturist Ljubica Adžović guessed on the map to feed her 9 children. A meeting with Emir Kusturica and his life changed!

Ljubica Adžović is an actress who I watched in the productions "Dom za besenje" and "Black cat, white cat", directed by Emir Kusturica. The well-known director said that for him filming with Ljubica was "the most exciting experience in his career", and many people don't know that she was a naturist and that she was chosen to star in the film fortune teller.

A Roma woman in whom Kusturica saw "good potential for acting", she played the role of Baba Kadi in the film "Home for the Mad". Kusturica found Ljubica in a Roma house in the small town of Zaograd, not far from Sutomore. He was fascinated by her natural talent and charisma, launched him into the world of film, and she was grateful to him for that.

Her talent was so authentic that many saw her as a true professional. Ljubica received an award for her role at the Cannes Film Festival in 1992. After this success, Ljubica appeared again in Kusturica's film "Black Cat, White Cat". In that project, she called Branka Katić, a colleague she worked with, "a true granddaughter". Although she was offered roles in Germany, she refused because she wanted to work only with Kusturica. Despite her success in the world of film, Ljubica Adžović decided to return to her previous profession - reading fortunes from cards on the beach in Sutomore.

She had nine children, and no one was able to find out the exact number of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. When I asked her why she was looking at the map, she said "to feed all his children".

She was born in Skopje and lived in Bar. Towards the end of her life, she stayed for a long time in France and Sweden. Not long after her return to Montenegro in 2006, she began a short illness at the age of 82.

Emir Kusturica, who was a close associate and friend of Ljubica Adžović, expressed deep regret for her death. "She was a talent that is rarely born." I loved working with Ljubica. The gift was an unforgettable pleasure and experience for me as a director. "I am sorry for your untimely death," he said to Ljubica.



14 years since the death of the first author of Romani grammar in Macedonia - Shaip Yusuf

On January 30, marks the 14th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Romani language in Macedonia, Professor Shaip Yusuf. He died in Skopje in 2010.

Shaip Yusuf was born in 1933. He studied at the University of Belgrade to become a professor of physical culture. Shaip Yusuf was one of the organizers of the First Roma Congress, held in London in 1971, and was a leading member of the IRU. Shaip Yusuf is the author of the first Romani grammar in Macedonia. He finished the manuscript for this grammar in 1973, while together with Krume Kepeski, a grammar of the Rosmese language, it was published only in 1980 in an edition of 3,000 copies by the publishing house "Nasha kniga" in Skopje.

More significant works in his rich history are "Amen siam e Titoskere, o Tito si amaro" – "We are Titos, Tito is ours" in 1978 in Serbian-Croatian edition by Drago Zdunic. For his work and all that he did, today in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, the secondary school is named after him.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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